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  • If the kiss meant nothing, then why did it happen? is there more to your question, than you have reveiled? sounds suspicious.........
  • It says your girlfriend "found out," not that you told her. So, if she found out from someone else, you have lost trust on two fronts (possibly even more). You lost trust by the act of kissing the other girl, AND by the act of hiding it from her and covering it up. To rebuild trust: Don't kiss other girls. Don't hold other girl's hands. Do nothing with any girl (besides your girlfriend) that you wouldn't do with your guy friends. Do not do anything with any girl that you wouldn't want your girlfriend doing with another guy. Do not hang out with the girl you kissed. You've already proven yourself untrustworthy around her. The damage has been done. I agree with John here, though, if it meant nothing, it wouldn't have happened. What meant nothing to you at that point in time was your girlfriend's feelings, because you sacrificed them to do what you wanted. No matter what you say now, at the time you had prioritized kissing that other girl above your girlfriend's feelings. This prioritization is what troubles me.
  • To tag on to AntigoneRising and Mr. Pennington -- stop saying it meant nothing. It meant something to her, and that's what she's upset about. If it means something to her, it needs to mean something to you. I understand what you mean: you don't have strong feelings for this other girl, you didn't consider it cheating, etc. That's all fine. But that's not the way romantic relationships work: you gotta be thinking about what its going to mean to your partner. Suggest you consider this a painful lesson learned. Apologize if you haven't already done so, tell her you understand why she's angry, and realize it will take some time and good behavior on your part to stablize things again. That's the meaning of the word "consequences".
  • Well whatever... they never said what kind of kiss it was! Once a girl hugged me and I told my gf at the time about it and she went berserk! And that hug was literally nothing but I told her anyway. Who knows man, she may never trust you no matter what you do. Best you can do is ask her what you can do to regain her trust. Then do all those things and keep track of it all for a long time then if she still acts stupid lay it on her and turn it around. If that doesnt work then give her something to really worry about because you will only stay miserable trying to please her.
  • Not sure if anyone will see this since it's a reply to a post- but this is exactly the situation I am in, only I am the GF and I found out my beau kissed another girl a little over a month ago. He said it meant nothing- but again, why did it happen?! He said he already took care of it and told her that I mean too much to him. He was even willing to let me confront her about it.. But now I find myself naseaus when his phone rings or he works late... I hate the idea of her. He has been much more invested in our apartment and in our relationship- even right before I found out. But I still can't shake the idea that this happened.. it hurts- a lot. But I believe him- I believe that he just had doubts and wanted to make sure he was making an informed decision about our relationship of 2 years (as far as wether to progress or end it)... I'm just torn up about this- I've only known for about 9 days.
  • Not sure if anyone will see this since it's a reply to a post- but this is exactly the situation I am in, only I am the GF and I found out my beau kissed another girl a little over a month ago. He said it meant nothing- but again, why did it happen?! He said he already took care of it and told her that I mean too much to him. He was even willing to let me confront her about it.. But now I find myself naseaus when his phone rings or he works late... I hate the idea of her. He has been much more invested in our apartment and in our relationship- even right before I found out. But I still can't shake the idea that this happened.. it hurts- a lot. But I believe him- I believe that he just had doubts and wanted to make sure he was making an informed decision about our relationship of 2 years (as far as wether to progress or end it)... I'm just torn up about this- I've only known for about 9 days.

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