• Johnny Depp by far
  • Johnny Depp can be anyone he likes, and make you believe it too! the rest are good...but not as good as Johnny Depp!
  • Johnny Depp, hands down.
  • I beg to differ with the consensus. I do like Johnny Depp; however, I think Denzel is far more talented.
  • The Deppster!! He is one of the most versatile actors in the business. That is not taking anything away from the others, it's just that out of the list, Depp is my favorite. :-)
  • I like Johnny Depp and he is very talented, before I used to like Tom Hanks but I think Johnny Depp is very smart and extremely good as an actor
  • Johnny Depp, and not because of that God-awful movie trilogy Pirates of the Caribbean. Denzel Washington can be a great actor, but he always plays the same kinds of roles in the same kinds of movies, whereas Johnny Depp has been in many different types of movies - from Benny & Joon to Dead Man to Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas or What's Eating Gilbert Grape... and always has some new persona. He is a great actor because he can play so many diverse roles.
  • George Clooney is an actor? At any rate... Denzel Washington and Hugh Grant are excellent but with a very limited range. I never really thought of Wesley Snipes as an actor (a movie star, yes, but an actor, no) though his totally contrary-to-type performance in "To Wong Fu..." was great if pure camp. Hugh Jackman of course made X-Men, but I've never been that impressed with him in anything else. His performance in Scoop was enough to convince me he really doesn't cut it in light comedy. I never would have thought of putting Brendan Fraiser in a list like this, but now that I think about it, he really is surprisingly good, with as much of a range as his height, build and looks permit. He's certainly the most under-rated actor of your list. Depp would seem to be the obvious choice. He's certainly an artist. Unfortunately, he's no chamelion - in every movie I've seen with him I'm always seeing "Johnny Depp acting" and not the character ... except for Pirates of the Caribean where I kept seeing Keith Richards. I hate to say it, but he overacts, especially in anything by Tim Burton. So, my vote for best actor in the current A-list "stars" is .... Ewen McGregor (I'm ignoring Star Wars 1-3: even he couldn't save those turkeys) Runner up - though I hate to say it - is Brad Pitt, so long as he's playing the 2nd lead or a supporting character. (He can be the antagonist, side-kick, foil, or comic relief, but he just can't cut it as the leading man.) Honorable Mention to Edward Norton -- though perhaps I'm still giving him too much credit for his earliest performances (Primal Fear, American History-X, Fight Club, etc.)
  • Washington
  • Definitely Denzel Washington. Although, I did like Wesley Snipes in To Wong Foo... Brendan Fraser is a hack! An overactor!!! I like Hugh Grant--must be his British accent!
  • i like wolverine. and hugh grant is best and silly romantic stories! johnny depp is ace in most of his movies. they are all good in their own way. but those are top 3!
  • I think Denzel Washington is the better actor. Although, I did like Wesley Snipes in "To Wong Foo..." Brendan is a hack! Johnny overacts. I like George, too. Hugh Grant--LOVE his accent! I've only seen Hugh Jackman in that movie with Meg Ryan. Can't remember the name. Maybe I'll Google it!
  • I think Denzel Washington is the better actor. Although, I did like Wesley Snipes in "To Wong Foo..." Brendan is a hack! Johnny overacts. I like George, too. Hugh Grant--LOVE his accent! I've only seen Hugh Jackman in that movie with Meg Ryan. Can't remember the name. Maybe I'll Google it!
  • Out of your choices, I'd have to go with a tie between Johnny Depp and Hugh Jackman. The rest are decent actors, but they are always pretty much the same in every role. Johnny is amazingly versatile, and I personally think despite the amount of blockbuster-type crap he's been in, he's a hugely underrated actor.
  • Denzel and Brendan. Brendan did some amazing roles before the whole "Mummy" series that really showed his skills as an actor. Denzel has played various parts, and not one of them did he do a bad job.

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