• Because they would drown if they sucked
  • You might have seen whales on TV, and wondered why they blow water out of their heads. Well, whales have nostrils on top of their head, called blowholes. While swimming, when the whale surfaces, it breathes out air. This air contains vapour, which makes it look like water. Immediately after blowing out the air, the whale takes in a fresh breath of air. Baleen whales have two blowholes, while toothed whales have only one.
  • Cuz they're HO'S
  • Because it's a very important part of their respiratory 'system'. "(The) blowhole makes it easy for whales to breathe in air without fully surfacing. Instead, a whale swims near the surface, arches its body so its back briefly emerges and then flexes its tail, propelling it quickly to lower depths. To breathe in air at the surface, a whale flexes a muscle that opens the blowhole and then inhales in the same way as any other mammal. When the whale relaxes the muscle, the blowhole closes, so it is safe to submerge again. Since they can only breathe at the surface, whales have had to develop conscious breathing." Source and much more:

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