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  • yes' women want to be filled up 'make it hurt a little'
  • I love sex more than most men, and I've had both large & small. Currently I'm with someone rather small in my opinion, but he knows how to work it and it's one of the best sexual relations I've ever had. It's been so good that it's almost 8 years. Now, I've been with large, and believe me a lot of them are a waste of size. Learn how to work it, and watch movies, read, but come correct, and size won't matter.
  • I don't date guys based on penis size. The guy himself is far more important than what he's packing. However, since you asked, I will say that for me personally, a bigger penis actually felt much better and I found myself enjoying it far more in terms of the sensation. However, the guy with the smaller penis had other talents that totally made up for it. It's what you do with it and with your other bedroom talents that counts just the same.
  • Bigger penises definitely lead to better sensations for women who enjoy sex...women less confident actually can prefer men with smaller size as it means they don't have to open up as much as they do with a larger, once again, it depends...
  • I've seen one so big it was scary. I'm not a fan of tiny, but anyone average-sized that knows how to use it is just fine. So, bigger is certainly not necessarily better.
  • Although I am not a woman, I do have an opinion about this. I believe that men who are well endowed are much more confident about themselves and this translates into confidence during sex. So a man who is "bigger" may also have a little edge on his sexual performance. Thus, maybe bigger is better, but not because it is bigger.
  • Well, I'm a man, but wouldn't you say there is a happy medium where you have a reasonable size but you are good at turning your woman on too, experience, consideration and technique must be up there surely Cat?
  • I would say yes to some degree. A guy needs to be big enough so the she feels full.... I have heard thickness is better than being real long. I also heard about this test.... maybe others or you can tell me.... My c**k, when hard, won't fit into a toilet paer roll..... it this thinker than normal... My gf says I am!
  • Well she never gives me BJ's, funnily enough i suggested oral sex last night, i used to love giving it to her, but she said no, let's just wait til my back is better. When we go to Italy will try, but there is going to be lots of family around, plus our little boy will be sleeping in our room, so chances may be thing on the ground :(
  • I think your in a sister brother relationship..There is love but no passion

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