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  • I'm kinda the same way depending on the guy. I'm a very competetive person though and although it may seem bad of the person its normal to want something you feel you can't have. Then its almost like when you find out you can have it, it sorta loses its value so to say its completely normal though.
  • It sounds like you like what you don't have. Like you really like that car and once you have it, it isn't that great anymore. Like once they start liking you, you have them and you aren't as interested because you have them or they aren't a challenge anymore. Or you have commitment issues and you become less interested because you don't want to settle down.
  • im deff the sameway. just to be blunt when it comes to sex i feel like i have the mind of a guy. im told all the time that i think like a guy. but at times its frustrates me bc i pass up a lot of good guys bc of how i am. benefits me to bc i know the games they play!

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