• Don't think you're overreacting, but don't think it necessarily means he's cheating on you either. But I do think, that it is a bit disrespectful to you. Have you voiced your displeasure with him? If you have, and he hasn't removed the picture, then I would begin to wonder.
  • Have you met her and how long have you and him been dating? The next question would be is he willing to put a picture of you and him on the phone? If no to 1 and 3 I would be concerned only if the answer to 2 is like a couple of weeks or a month. If you have been dating way longer then you should probly worry a little. You can also put a picture of a male friend on yours and see if it bothers him but 9 out of 10 if he is cheating it will not.
  • I can't say that he is cheating. I would be concerned about whats going on. It surely isn't looking good tho.
  • This call for an investigation
  • Overreacting, My best friend is male, and his wife is also my friend. He has pictures of us all over the house we have been friends for 20 years, I used to go out with him, 20 years ago, but we remained best friends. She knows that he loves her, he married her. Dont get jealous, you like him, dont you expect other people to like him, also.
  • First of all, you need to realize that a "Best Friend" that was his "best friend" when you two got together will most likely remain in the picture long after you're gone. Being jealous of the friendship is understandable but you need to understand that you are filling a need that she isn't. The evidence you present doesn't seem like he's cheating, just that he cares about his friend. My best friend - a man - has framed pictures of both me and my daughter in his house.
  • His best friend, what are you.Maybe it's just me but I don't think guys or girl need to be having best friend's of the opposite sex if thy are in a ralationship.
  • i think his just being friendly....i really have been there on that situation..maybe he met that girl first before u in his life that he found and value her..don tbe so overreacting..just understand..unlesshe he nugs u then he does cheat u..
  • Well who came first? There is nothing wrong with having photos of you and your friends. My best friend is of the oppisite sex and I won't trade that for a relationship. I would need someone to trust me to be faithful. True it isn't that common but I am sure it is innicent.
  • You're over reacting.
  • It's okay. Don't worry they are just friends. :)
  • first things first ... how long have you 2 been together how long have they been bestfriends? if the friendship was there before you then chances are it will remain when your gone , does he have pictures of you on his phone ? does he bring this chick around you ? have you met her ? ... no to any of these questions being together longer then 2 months maybe you should bring it up but if you answerd yes to atleast number 1 then you may be over reacting but its natural i think i would be the same way
  • On his phone? along with other photos? any of you there? if it's just 2 of many in his phone then overreacting! if it's the screensaver photo then yes there is a worry. Ask him why. If it's a framed photo of 2 of them hugging, I would know that he thinks she is very important to him and would worry. Ask him what it's all about!
  • I am a girl and my best friend is a guy. He has alot of pics of me in his phone,along with other people. Just because they are of the opposite sex, dosent mean he's cheating on you or fooling around with her. I have been best friends with jeremy for 14 years and nothing sexual has ever happened, people always assume that though.
  • he possibly is not cheating on you, however he is very insensitive as this is causing you to feel uneasy, and he is doing nothing to make you feel secure. Maybe he enjoys you being insecure as it nakes him feel like he has all the power in the relationship. I think this behaviour is unacceptable from him, if you love your partner, you want them to be secure and happy, and if you are doing something that upsets them, then you should stop. If you discuss with him how it makes you feel, but say you have no problems him being friends with her, he should, (if he respects you) remove her picture from his mobile ( sorry people in america call it a cell dont they ?) if he refuses, then you have to question his loyalty to you ? sorry this may not ne what you want to hear! good luck.
  • Just like all the clichés I started to suspect something was up when my boyfriend of six months became distant and started working late. He also didn't answer the phone when I rang him, and he always had his mobile switched off when we were together. I wanted to check it for text messages but he was really protective of it. I must admit I tried to hack into his e-mail but I couldn't figure out the password. I know I should have talked to him about it but I couldn't face the showdown and guilt if he denied it. My techie friend told me that I should get his mobile phone checked out. So I brought him a new mobile for his birthday, he was gadget mad and loved it, and I assuaged my guilt by thinking that even if I found out nothing, at least he'd still like the present. I got the opportunity to use it a couple of weeks later when he said he was going to the gym, having already been earlier that day. I contacted the and had the phone checked, and it had loads of hidden text messages on it from his ex girlfriend. By the time he got home his bags were packed. He didn't have a clue what was happening when I told him to leave, and that I knew he was cheating on me. He didn't deny it. I don't feel ashamed of what I did, but I would have felt very guilty if he was innocent. If you have an inkling it's better to know. If I'd have asked him straight out, I know he would have lied to me. I didn't tell him how I'd done it but all my girlfriends knew and were very impressed. Lisa
  • My boyfriend has several close friends that are girls. He has pictures of them in his phone also. This doesn't mean he's cheating at all, it just means they're his friends. Just like you probably have pictures of your friends on your phone. I admire my boyfriend because he understands that I don't care if he has pics of girls in his phone, but several pics of the same girl is a bit much. Plus he deletes any pics that even seem like they don't look right (such as one pic of him and his friend in a car alone together, even though they were coming to meet me that day and it was nothing.) The best thing you can do for yourself is to get to know his best friend so that she becomes your friend. Trust me, it helps give you a lot of peace of mind if you know his friend-girls.
  • If it is a really big issue for you, then you need to talk to him about how you feel. One of my best friends is a boy and one of my husbands best friends is a girl. We have discussed what we feel to be appropriate and inappropriate.
  • I'm a girl with a LOT of close guy friends so it would be hypocritical of me to tell my boyfriend that this is not okay... However, I would be extremely jealous if these pictures were predominately of ONE specific girl. I would put a stop to it. There may or may not be something going on.
  • he isnt being very considerate on your behalf is he any right thinking person would question that and your right to question it yep if it was me i wouldnt let it drop
  • I think this is disrespectful. When you are in a relationship with someone you should be mindful of all of your actions. How would he feel if you had pictures in your phone with your "best friend" whos a boy hugging. I'm sure he would feel a little bit threatened. So to answer your question it is not Ok. You should ask him how he would feel if you had the same type of pictures. Don't put him on the defensive, rather talk about it and ask him in a non intrusive way. In terms of him cheating, thats tough to assume he is cheating because of a few photos. If you have concerns that he is cheating you should become a bit more mindful of his actions. This, in my opinion, is not enough to assume he is cheating. I have good tips to see if he is cheating or not here at Chase
  • YES it is ok for him to have pics of his female bestfriend on the phone, but I agree with you it does seem funny it's all of her, maybe you should be worried, just talk to him and tell him you want your pics on his phone and her pics in a photo album maybe where they should be. But it is ok to have a few of her pics. But really I don't think you are overreacting. Just watch for the signs of a cheater, and mainly watch out for your heart.
  • They may just be really good friends. But i would ask just to make sure.
  • I think you should talk to him about it. Don't try to start a confrontation, because that's not the kind of environment you want. Instead, be open, sympathetic and honestly concerned about the pictures. Tell him the truth - that they make you feel uncomfortable and then discuss as a couple what to do. I don't think the ones of her alone are so bad but the ones of them hugging I would have problems with myself.
  • i think his friends should also be your friends espesially a female cause theres a lot of home reckers out here men and women ask him if it was you with a guy friend and you had pics of you and this guy freind hugging and pics of him by himself see what he says and if he isnt comfortable with that then he should respect your feelings also.I dont agree with him having those pics it seems like hes holding on to something thats not just you.
  • mmmm, sounds immature. I believe the role of "best friend" needs to be given only to the partner in-charge. I wouldn't like knowing my boyfriends shares the intimacy of friendship with another woman (ps....the father of a my son has such a "best friend" and spent half an hour on the phone with HER while I was giving comment)
  • It depends on you really. Are you ok with that? If they are just friends it is ok. But some people would not like this and that is ok because that is the way they function and i can asure you there are like minded people who would feel the same.
  • i am going through this to, and think the one that you are with, should be your best friend.
  • I guess you need to find out who left who. Alot of the time people will remain a friend hoping things might workout for them someday. I don't think he's cheating on you put if you have a problem with this and he is aware I find it incredibly disrespectful.
  • Are you the best thing that ever happened to him? Is he good, kind and treats you just drop-dead wonderful? Do you treat him wonderful too? Is he mature and responsible? If you answer yes to all these questions, then forget about it. If not, then you have some decisions to make that probably aren't even about this girl. I don't know how old you are but it sounds like high school.
  • I guess there's only one way to find out if there's more to it than just "friendship". Show him pictures of a male friend of yours. Make sure he's gorgeous, of course. Make sure he's hugging you, too. Or, giving you a kiss on the cheek. Your excuse is...that you can say he has pictures of his "best friend", after all. It would be hypocritical of him to say anything. Right?
  • I don't think it's ok. I couldn't tell you if he was cheating without more information, but I think he may like her for more than just a friend.
  • Overreacting.

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