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  • how old are you?
  • It would be helpful to know what age you are.
  • I will answer this without knowing your age, which will leave some general statements and nothing specific to your situation. I find my best results come from looking for girls in places that interest you. For example, if you like to read, find one in the library; if you drink, find one at a bar. But do not go to these places or do these things with the intention of finding a girl. Go there for you doing what you want to do and be patient and eventually you will have success. Sometimes, single people's biggest problem is that they are not patient. Finding the right one is difficult. You cannot go out and expect to find the right girl the first time you are out, what if that perfect girl was sick that day and couldn't make it out, this should be a process that takes time. Stay open to meeting new people and get out there, sitting at home will not help.
  • Working in a public place helps! You meet tons od people!:)
  • I'm 21 and have the same problem. DAMNNNN IIIT!!! I would think college, popular restaurants, the mall, or their job. I go to school with a bunch of women. I work at a restaurant with a lot of women customers. I know there are a lot of women at the mall. I've seen a lot of preety women my age working as waitresses. Nothing ever happens because I never talk to them. HOW do you talk to a perfect stranger. DAMMNNNN IIIT!?!?
  • I hear coffee shops are a good place. Library, would be good if you like to read. The bar is probably the best place at your age. Its tough out there. I met guys at work and guys at the bar. I am single now and I really dont care. You will meet someone when you are meant to. I always have when i was not looking to meet anyone. Dont be afraid to put yourself out there..

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