Godless? ;-)
Love 'em
I think we taste like chicken, and fart. That, and us real atheists don't really push our views on others.
I normally dont think anything out of the normal of them. I think they are people like me. However once they start telling me that I am wrong to believe in God, or that my beliefs are stupid. I tend to change what I think of them from person to Hypocritical Idiot. For how much complaining they give about people shoving religion down their throats they do quite a fair amount themselves even if its not "religion".
I think they haven't done much research.
i think that they are entitled to their "belief" just as all others are entitled to their beliefs. i also think that they are entitled to expound on their belief just as all others are entitled. Mankind is a multitude of diverse individuals and therefore has a multitude of different beliefs. It is only through the exposure to and consideration of other beliefs that we are able to form a belief that is logical to ourself.
As a Christian Catholic I am called on not to judge and to love everyone and that includes Atheists
As an engineer, I wanted scientific evidence of a God where none existed. But what bothered me was the question of our origin. I can't believe that we are accidents... that's mathematically impossible. By nature, things tend toward disorganization. So if I chunked a cube of metal off a roof, it will turn into a mishaped cube of metal. Evolution says that if you chunk that cube of metal off the roof, it'll turn into a car (go from disorganization to organization). So I started researching. The first thing I found is that Jesus lived, and died on a cross (typical Roman execution style for the day). This is verified by Roman historians Tacitus and Josephus. These historians didn't believe in Jesus, they were just documenting history. There's much more of course, but my research is completely founded in documented history, and sound logic. Please don't take my word for it! As I did, challenge your biases with an open mind, seek the truth.
They go great with dip. No just kidding. I am one so I think they are people who think things through. It's not an easy position to take. People get quite upset with it. Being a vegetarian seems to upset them more.
Poor taste in jazz?
Did you know you can't REALLY delete an answer? I just found out. I typed this in instead.
RUN, head for the hills....don't want to catch the atheism do ya'? I heard someone got the atheist and went mad! MAD! I tells ya'..... ....started talking all logical and made good reasonable sense and stuff..! YIKES~~~~~~~~~~~ hahaha...
Love 'em.
Some of us are assholes but most of us are great.
taste good on sourdough
They do not like me. My 2 cents.
All dressed up and nowhere to go?? I'm of the 'live-and-let-live' thought when it comes to a person's religious belief or lack thereof. I believe in God but am not what Christians would call a good Christian in that I do not attend church, do not tithe to any organized religion, and don't get all wigged out when people say they don't believe in God. Believe or don't ... it's your eternity.
How much better life is not pursuing fairy tales.
What's this have to do with "Thrifty Living?" I think they're less friendly, based on their track records with me anyway.
I agree to disagree respectfully.
The ones I actually know are very nice. They don't ridicule my beliefs and I don't try and push mine upon them. Some of the ones here have little to no tolerance for any beliefs that do not mirror their own. In all fairness..some Christians here are the same way.
I don't.Most people I meet usually don't bring up their religion or lack of.It doesn't matter to me anyway.
good choice
to each his/her own peace
Smart group! They've a lot on the ball!
I am one and I think I'm pretty OK.
In real life, they're fine, just like anyone else. But here? They're like a bunch of spoiled brats running around in their hateful little 'gang'.
Which one?
Don't think anything more or less because they are. I am thinking of becoming much more judgmental in the near future.
Depends on the atheist to whom you are referring. If I'm going to venture an opinion on a person I need more information than whether or not he or she is an atheist. That would be a pretty useless indicator of things like character, trustworthiness, intelligence, etc. If what you mean instead is what do I think of atheism, I can only say that I find the position and arguments for it interesting. But I find many approaches to the metaphysical, and to life in general, to be interesting.
Which one?
It is a word describing a lack of belief in any deity.
Atheists don't have souls.
What do I think abouty atheist what? Thought? Philosophy? Books? Babes?
They have a right to NOT believe, just like us Agnostics.
I think they are..... Atheists? ....Do I win?
To each their own. I struggle with religion myself, so who am I to judge?
“It is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists and were religion not inculcated into their minds, they would remain so”
Some of the nicest and smartest people I know. I so glad to be one. : )
Mislead, not bad people, but mislead
I think they are people.
About the only rational people in the world.
Athiesm is another religion. It's a thought process. Communism comes with this. In fact most athiests I have met have no clue what is God. They are all fighting God. according to their definition, God is a super human thing and they do not like a sematic setup like christianity or any other establishments which preaches on God. I used to tell them, God is not super human and God is nothing but you. Jesus Christ and Mohammad and Budha are all enlightened human beings who understood the truth about God.
Many atheists, like myself, are freethinking, ration people who do not believe in Fairy Tales. All children are born atheist, and have to be indoctrinated with any beliefs after that.
true logic and non believers in fairy tales and myths
The Obsession I don't think about atheists much. What I do think about is this obsession with other people's personal beliefs on this and other social networking sites. It borders on mental policing. It reminds me of the societal attitude described in Orwell's book, 1984; especially concerning the stricter, less tolerant, less Christ-like Christians I've observed on AB. Some actually get emotionally distressed over unsuccessful attempts to "save" certain people as if it was their own soul they were desperately preventing from free-falling into the fires of hell -- failing in their self-righteous flamboyance to save people who obviously have personal philosophies that are working for them and see evangelism as an annoying, invasive hard sell. The One True Religion The evangelising of any "One, True Religion", arrogantly suggests that the target's own personal beliefs are inferior, which is judgemental and prejudiced on the part of the evangelist, and an insult by insinuation instantly creating animosity in the evangelised. Wouldn't a truly benevolent God provide many paths to him/her/it/them? And if the religion is so superior (just that statement alone suggests that everyone else in the world is wrong and creates a real potential for bunker mentality exemplified in its extreme by the People's Temple Massacre in 1978), why not teach by example -- seeing is believing, no? The Infallibility of God Wouldn't it be a more effective recruiting tool to just demonstrate a belief system's superior qualities by simply living a good life under it's tenets, like many atheists, or like Jesus, or like many kinds of modern monks, and letting all the world see the positive results? Might this be one reason for Buddhism's growing popularity in the West, another being its tolerance for other paths to enlightenment, including Christianity? And isn't the argument for atheism best demonstrated by the fact that, when it comes right down to it, even the most devout would rather fly in a plane designed and built by an atheist aerodynamic engineer rather than a spiritually pristine high school graduate with an unshakable belief in the infallibility of God? A Lack of Faith If one religion is truly superior at providing redemption, salvation, solace -- succor for all man's ills -- simply in exchange for faith, or loyalty, or even fealty, the world would be beating down the temple doors. But isn't a hard sell a sign that there is a lack of faith by the proselytizer in the religion itself? That they must talk and talk and talk it up, because they fear that quietly teaching by example is not good enough, that demonstrating the lifestyle alone may reveal the religion's inferiority to other belief systems? Does this not appear to be an attempt at smoke and mirrors, slight of hand -- misdirection? Calling the Copts Why is it so bloody important what somebody else believes? Is it not the first step toward the ultimate invasion of privacy -- that of one's thoughts? Go live somewhere like Myanmar where you are punished for not agreeing to the general belief system -- you may feel more at home there. Or take a lesson from the Falun Gong who are the victims of such intolerant state policies on mainland China. Or look at how the Christians Copts of Egypt fair under a Government dominated by theocratic policies against them. Then understand why our founding fathers in the US were so against theocratic influences in our government. They knew of certain dangers. They knew that the destruction of the country as they envisioned it could come from outside invasion due to a weak defense. But they also knew of things more destructive to a free society. They knew that the greatest dangers lay on the inside the country. For example, they warned that the influence of private banks, left unchallenged and unregulated, could quietly and with a deft hand shackle Congress into servitude with the chains of national debt much like we've recently seen. A Torrent of Tyranny But they saw a threat even more lethal and insidious because well intentioned, good men could be seduced into supporting it. It was the perfect Trojan Horse and this made it the greatest threat of all. Although most of our colonial leadership were devout Christians, they knew that if powerful church influences were not kept to a nearly dry arroyo running through government, it could quickly become a flash flood of dogma, a torrent of tyranny subjugating rational leadership by the people and drown every hope of a free society. They had seen it elsewhere, under various theocratic influences including Christian and they knew a government free of Church influence would require unprecedented vigilance throughout the lifespan of the country. A Free Society It is unimportant which belief system an individual chooses. The fact that an individual can choose which belief system works for them is what is important. This is what it means to live in a free society, or at least one that aspires to be free. And the protection of that choice must be paramount over all system choices to maintain that aspiration -- to breathe free.
I think they don't believe in a god or gods. That's about it.
Isn't that a bit like asking "How do you feel about TV viewers" or "Democrats" or whomever? A bit broad a question, no? People are so potentially diverse; reminds me of individual, beautiful, unique snowflakes, falling gracefully together into a wonderful, if fleeting, blanket covering the earth with meaningful contribution and potential transcendence for all. Differences and 'varieties of religious experiences', genetics, education, geography, life experiences, their favourite colors, tastes better, less filling and a partridge inna pear tree all render broad catagorizations useless unless one seeks to be intentionally inflammatory. - [+5 for the 'reaffirmation aspect' of this question] - Happy days! ;-)
I think that atheists are free to go their on way when concerning religion (or in this case lack thereof). One of my best friends is an atheists, I'm a christian, and his girlfriend is jewish and we all get along just fine.
In most cases Athiest are far more open minded than religious people. Athiest do not try to save or convert nor do they condem because of what some else believes. Athiest don't care of you are Jew, Christen, Buddist, or Muslim. Athiest don't claim to have all the answers, or powerful imaginary friends that will destroy all who are not Athiest, they are not monsters or ignorant people who don't know about the various mythologies that cultures believe in around the globe. They just chose to think for themselves. And tend to be more intelligent and aware than their religious counterparts. We just want to be given the same tolerance that we give others.
We arnt ): We are just smart :3
Almost every one I come across is on a mission to disprove God and Creation. It surprises me because if you don't believe in God I would assume it wouldn't matter to you if others do, but it really does bother them and they are hellbent on converting everyone to atheism.
They should be required to wear an atheist label, and have separate seating. Just kidding! It is not my belief, but it is their right. I have even dated one! Wait, make that two. Some of the less ethical people in general I have known are born-again Christians! They tend to be very self centered, and want to "save" themselves first, while putting on a good show church-wise.
Usually, I don't. Neither do I tend to think about religious people.
I think they are pretty strong minded individuals.
i think that they have a right to believe or not to believe whatever they like.. and that they shouldn't hated for what they believe or don't believe in
I think they don't believe in deities of any sort. Other than that they run the gambit of personalities. I don't require other people to believe what I believe.
I think their beliefs are based on scientific proof; not faith.
Well,i dont have any opinion about atheist or any other religion.Let everyone be like what they want.For me,its all about proof.Iam an atheist.In my view ..all these religion things are created by some of early humans.If suppose no human created that,Now no people will know the word "GOD".The people who pray,Let them pray & the people who dont,let them be in their way.Useless fights are going on for these.
Well,i dont have any opinion about atheist or any other religion.Let everyone be like what they want.For me,its all about proof.Iam an atheist.In my view ..all these religion things are created by some of early humans.If suppose no human created that,Now no people will know the word "GOD".The people who pray,Let them pray & the people who dont,let them be in their way.Useless fights are going on for these in this world.
What do I think of atheists? That is sort of like asking "what do you think of sofas" or "what do you think of pets" - it is too broad and too general a question as it all depends on the individual person, sofa, pet what I think of them. How kind, how humorous, how respectful of others, etc. would help influence what I thought of a particular person. But I do think that someone's lack of faith and lack of effort to seek to know God is sad. I try to reach out to those who don't have faith and share the gospel message with them, praying that the Holy Spirit will draw that person to seek and know God and accept Christ. Everyone sins, everyone needs to repent and turn to Christ for salvation. Finding salvation humbles a person, it does not make them self-righteous and holier-than-thou. God alone is holy and anyone who has faith should be thankful and seek to help others find the way, the truth and life (Jesus) but should not judge someone else as 'less.' They may be seeking, they may some day turn to God. If not, their punishment for unbelief is guaranteed and something to mourn not feel superior or judgmental about.
It depends what they think of me
they are human and have rights just like any other person in fact I know a real cool person that is atheist and he is going to be a new daddy and we are excited for them, I just keep showing my love for him and when/if he decides to talk to me or my future husband about being a christian then we are here to answer those questions and he has a great deal of respect for us he is at our house at least once a day with my son he is like one of our own family he has been around the house for many years
I think they are a necessity sent by God to give his followers a sense of worth! :)
A person's religion (or non religion) does not determine what I think of them as a person. I know many Atheists and they are wonderful people, well, maybe not a couple of them, but the fact that they are Atheists has nothing to do with that.
Some are hypocrites, some are great. Same with religious folks.
They don't want to accept the idea that there could be an intelligent creator. So, they don't.
They either believe in magic and fairytales or blindly follow what they're told to believe.
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