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  • Do you know her at all?
  • yeah her name is Rayna
  • Get over it and just ask her out. Life is about taking risks. If you don't just get in there and meet people, then you're going to miss out on everything. YOU have to take command of your life instead of just seeing what falls into your lap. What's the worst that can happen? She refuses. That's it. Wouldn't it be better to know that now so that you can look for another date? So yeah, just ask her.
  • Well if shes a friend i would suggest bringing it up in a conversation...just asking her if she is going with anyone. If shes not a friend, just ask!! the worst than can happen is she says no...and if she says yes, then problem solved
  • You are missing out -- but you are also missing out on feelings of jealousy, worries about pregnancy, and all the other crap that goes along with teen relationships. If you're like most other people I know, when your time comes, you will make up for "the lost time", so don't worry too much about it. I never went to my prom -- I had no interest in supporting the make believe, homophobic "pairing" culture that is inflicted on everybody.
  • dude. Honestly dont kiss somebody just to kiss em, it can bite you back and since you are in high school it most likely will. most of what you are missing out on is problems, there are two reasons I could imagine that you had a kiss. chemicals/good people/mutural attractions 2.You are putting too much thought into it or you simply have no gut I dont think the second applys to you simply because of how you worded the question, just wait and youll know.
  • You are. But I'm 18 and I'm in the same position. It'll happen eventually, but the road there sucks.
  • Believe it or not you are totally normal - all of your mates may brag about their past girlfriends and of having more than a first kiss, but this does not mean they are speaking the truth, so take heart. You are not missing out on anything at all - it just seems that everybody is 'doing it' aside from you, which is not the case at all. Don't worry about the Prom - firstly, you don't have to go if you don't want to and secondly, I am sure there will be lots of others attending without a partner. Stop worrying about it - go with a group of mates and have a laugh.
  • Ask a girl to go to the prom with you. I'm sure there are 17 year old girls feeling the same way and would love to have a date to the prom... that way neither of you miss out on the experience. Good luck. :D
  • You'll be fine. The angst you feel about this is nowhere near as hard as the angst you would feel about having had a girlfriend and breaking up. Will you feel you missed out on the prom? Depends. I never went to my own (didn't have a girlfriend, and didn't want to go stag). By the same token, I didn't have to worry about getting the tux and corsage, picking the girl up and pinning the corsage on that strapless or spaghetti-strap formal dress, are we going to the after-prom and after-prom party (and can I afford the latter?), etc. You will find someone when your time comes and, as said before will "make up for" all you think you didn't have! LOL BTDT! ;-)
  • Don't worry, be happy. There still plenty of room to keep growing and developing.
  • heya nicdaquick, i'm also 17 and am generally quite shy but i went ahead and asked this girl i really liked and met through a friend about a fortnight ago out and we're going out on valentines day now... i mean what have you got to loose. just ask her, if she says no then despite being abit upset and maybe slightly demotivated to carry on you'll have tried and the next time it will be easier. i did and i'm going out with an amazing girl on thursday... it really can't hurt
  • Walk up to mirror and practice what you want to say many times. Practice will make you feel confident. Good luck
  • My boyfriend had his first kiss at 17, even though his first kiss wasn't with me. He didn't have a girlfriend until he was 17, either. One of the reasons I like him is because he is so picky in who he decides to be with. If you know her, ask her. What have you got to lose? Sure, she might say no, but she might also say yes.
  • swallow yourpride. i wish some guy had when i was 17, i woudlnt have gone to prom alone!
  • if it makes you feel any better i was so shy that i didn't have my first kiss till 18 and my first boyfriend till 21. you appreciate it more when you find it harder to get... you never know your luck, ask her to go, what's there to lose, you're finishing school anyways.
  • The worst thing yu can get is a 'no'. Go for it. Who cares ? You'll prob never see her after if she says no! =]
  • thanks for advice all of u
  • So what if you're 17 and have never had a girlfriend or your first kiss yet? My boyfriend never had a girlfriend or his first kiss until he was 17. Now that I am with him, I think it's better because he is so picky with who he chooses to date or at least that's what it seems like to me. As for your prom coming up, you don't have to go if you don't want to. However, if you do want to go, there are probably girls who do like you. Just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist! ;)

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