• the best i can really see to handle this is to take this into the court of law. as i would believe that if you were to threaten to sue for something that the biological father really treasures than more than likley he would be willing to settle out of court for anything. thats the best i can come up with. i do hope everything goes well and goes your way in the end. i do know is that once your daughter reaches the age of 18 she may change her last name to her step father's and there is nothing that her biological father can do about it but have a pitty party for himself. any way good luck in that.
  • You would have to seek legal advice which will take you through the court system. A lot will depend on the situation, like is your ex suppose to pay child support and isn't. does your ex have visitation rights. to do this without the courts it takes both you and your ex to agree to the change and since your ex is not willing the court is the only answer.
  • I live in Oregon and I changed my childs last name to my last name heiphenated with her fathers. I had to give him notice, but I think it was fine because it was not simulating an adoption. If your last name is now the same as her stepfathers I would try to change her name to hyphenated with "your last name" first because in my experience the schools and people tend to drop the second name if the name is cumbersome.

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