• go Ichi, Ni, San, Shi-go-roku-shichi-hachi-kyu-ju-juichi-juni-jusan-jushi-jugo
  • A big PU.
  • 1) go "There are three sets of warm-up exercises. Junan Kenko Taiso are always performed, then, depending on the class, either Toitsu Taiso (for Ki class) or Aiki-Taiso (for Aikido class) are performed. They are performed to a steady rhythm and always start to the left. The count is given for each exercise, if applicable. Note that these descriptions are not a substitute for a good teacher. They are only to help you memorize the names and procedures. The count is as follows: 1-2-3-4 = "ichi-ni-san-shi." 1-2-3-4-5 = "ichi-ni-san-shi-go." 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 = "ichi-ni-san-shi-go-roku-shichi-hachi." 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 = "ichi-ni-san-shi-go-roku-shichi-hachi-kyu-ju-juichi-juni-jusan-jushi-jugo."" Source: 2) "Ichi Ni San Shi Go! Go! Go! Go!" Source: 3) "Ichi, ni, san, shi, ni, ni, san, shi! Yama wo koete yukuyou kuchibue fuite hyu hyu hyu no hyu Ude wo tobashite yamanobori eiho' eiho' ! Esutebarisu no jitsuryoku sa" "Ichi, Ni, San, Chi. It's the aestevalis march. Enjoy!!!! I know the song is silly but I like this."
  • That is it: Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Kyu, Ju. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Juichi, Juni, Jusan, Jushi, Jugo, Juroku, Jushichi 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Juhachi, Jukyu, Niju, Nijuichi, Nijuni, Nijusan ... 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... Another exemples (or the same): • Twelve = Juni (10 - 2) • Fourty seven = Yonshichi (on 40, you change "chi" to "yon". The "yon" come to be a 4 {chi}. [4 - 7]) • Ninety two = Kyuni (9 - 2) • Seventy six = Nanaroku (on 70, you change "shichi" to "nana". The "nana" come to be a 7 {shichi}. [7 - 6]) Now, if you want to write "times", like: Kamehameha times 2! (lol) You say: Nibai kamehameha! Put a "bai" in front of the number. But have changes, see it: Ittenbai = 1 time Nibai = 2 times Sanbai = 3 times Yonbai = 4 times (again, changing "chi" to "yon") Gobai = 5 times Rokubai = 6 times Nanabai = 7 times (again, changing "shichi" to "nana") Hachibai = 8 times Kyubai = 9 times Jubai = 10 times Juittenbai = 11 times Junibai = 12 times Jusanbai = 13 times Juyonbai = 14 times Jugobai = 15 times Jurokubai = 16 times Junanabai = 17 times Juhachibai = 18 times Jukyubai = 19 times Nijubai = 20 times Nijuittenbai = 21 times ... If you want to write: 1,5 you say: Ichigo (Yes, the same name of Kurosaki Ichigo)(1 - 5) And another examples: Ichiyon = 1,4 (1 - 4) Ichinana = 1,7 (1 - 7) Nisan = 1,3 (1 - 3) ... On times, you say: Ittennibai = 1,2 times (1 - 2 + bai) Ittensanbai = 1,3 times (1 - 3 + bai) Yonchibai = 4,4 times (4 - 4 + bai) Nanashichibai = 7,7 times (7 - 7 + bai) Jurokushichibai = 16,7 times (10 - 6 - 7 + bai) So, that is it ^^ Bye bye

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