• I personally do not watch Naruto, but I do know that it has violence in it. I do not know how intense the violence is. The violence could scare him, or excite him, but it really is up to you to decide. Hopefully, I gave you enough information to decide.
  • It doesnt matter If i aprove, it matters if you aprove. All I can tell you is to think about his maturity level. Does he understand it's completly fake? As long as he does its probably not any worse than power rangers....
  • for a 9 year old I'd say the TV version is probably fine and at 9 years old he's probably not to fond of subtitles to watch the unedited version.
  • well my sister started watching it when she was 9. perhaps you should watch an episode. they are ninja's that fight but half the episodes they don't. talk to your son about it to.
  • We children are desensitized at too early an age. If you are asking about this, then it would seem you have some parental control on your son, which is needed. You should watch the show yourself and see what you think. If your son is the type to imitate, then I would suggest not to, as not only is there violence, but there is partial nudity, and some kids will actually (foolishly) try to jump from one tree to another. For me, personally, I watched anime at a very young age; I was around 7-9 is when I probably started. The show itself has a somewhat basic "save your friend/fight to get stronger" plot that's a little jazzed up. Just remember one part of Naruto many forget; ninjutsu, the actual martial art, does not look like what the show portrays.
  • Lol Mosdt kids in my generation got desensitized..I played Mortal Kombat and Primal Rage, and watched so much violence...but I'm one of the nicest guys in town. Most kids watch Naruto at 9 in my area.
  • you got to love a country when we look at a kids cartoon an the only word that is used to describe it is "violence". I let my seven year old watch the show. From what I've seen is a young man with a goal, to become the best ninja he can through hard work and training. No one yet has even mentioned the loyalty that he shows to his companions and that he learns that hes not always right. Cars are more dangerous than a kids show, but most of us will put our kid(s) in the car today and truck them off to school without a thought of the potential dangers.
  • being a mother my self yes i would let my 7 year old brother and my 8 month old i sit down every friday and watch it she loves it so dont worry the worst that can happen is........ nothing
  • I wouldn't just because the American censors can't edit out the fact that the show is intended for a 13yo+ audience. Dispite the fact they cut out the little bit of blood that was in it to begin with, the "bad" language the charaters might use in Japanese, and anything overt like that, they can't cut out the fact that they show has older themes. Plus, I would have barely been able to tell what was going on alot of times, if I had watched the American version of the series from the start. They just cut out too many little things. I just don't see the point in ruining a perfectly good series that your child could fully appreciate later in life. I suggest something else.
  • if its the unedited version no but if its the cartoon network version let him sit there all day
  • Definatly!!!!
  • Lol anime censorship doesn't rip out half the story! Its all there, but they take out the swearing and the blood. And dude that said no,...I don't think a 9 year old would be ready for an uncensored subtitled version of an anime...are you crazy!?
  • i totally agree with Gill, the Japanese version can sometimes gets way too out of hand for a 9 year old to handle. Thereby, i am humble opinion i would go with simmons on the cartoon network edition of the anime.
  • Depends.... the contents are SUPPOSED to b 4 all ages.... butsometimez japenese anime get out of hand USUSALLY becasue of their culture of like to add some inappropriate parts
  • jap better but not for a 9 year old... english will be better for that age group. Also i dont really think a 9 year old would read subtitles anyway
  • Depends on your standards. A typical Japanese family would approve of it. If you live in somewhere like the USA, yes, but ONLY the English version of Naruto (which has been censored and everything).
  • no its to complicated plot if u want to enjoy it wait few years
  • Try watching it first because you are the one who will decide after you heard our side regarding the show. Seriously the show consist of slight violence (but with the combination of touching, moral lesson, self-esteem and friendship) there was a part that the characters were throwing sharp things to their opponent.. that might led to your child thinking that it was just a game. Come to think of it (throwing a knife to his/her playmate) that could be worse right? So your still the one who will decide after all.
  • yes cause my pastor kids who is 6 and 4 watch it
  • I would approve Naruto I personally enjoy it.
  • I trhink u should watch it ther really is nothing wrong withe it all u will see is a yong boy trying 2 prove 2 the world that he will be come Hokage while trying 2 find his friend Saske of cours it is a little bit of violence but if u need 2 know what show is vilent that would be Death Note and Bleach dont let him watch it untill he is 12!!!
  • well if your talking about the dub, and i'd assume you are, i'd say i approve of your kid watching naruto
  • yes but then again i would also approve the dark night/knight (?) as i dont believe in age limits on knowledge of the world
  • once he knows that its just a show but its reallly good and very motivational
  • No I really don't think its a good idea because soon enough your child will start acting out the show and he might end up getting hurt
  • i approve of kids not in high school watching the dub. i think once a kid enters high school they're old enough to choose what they watch for themselves.......any younger and i think the parents should decide what their kids watch
  • well id say its for kids who like action adventure and lots of tricks in it haha but there are some scenes that show naruto turning into a hot blonde with clouds covering the privite areas but other than that i dont think so but i like it so i say yea...
  • yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im 1o i love it
  • no, it sucks too much and it would make him think that all animes suck :P
  • I would for now but when shippuden comes out this summer it would be better if you watched it with him
  • 2 words. Sandbox coffin
  • the show thats on tv here is edited a lot and yea its fine to watch. its fine to watch either way. the show has values.
  • Yeah, sure. When I was a younger lad I didn't like shows like Naruto, but that as just a personal preference.
  • well, i think that he should start watching it when he is 10 or 11 because it contains some scenes that might bea little scary. If he really wants to let him, it does a great job entertaining me.
  • sure, i let my 8 year old cousin watch it!
  • The great thing about Naruto is it totally works as an amazing kids show. When you get right down to it, the show has a lot of good "morals" I suppose you could say and lessons and such. The concepts are good for kids, or at least that's what I think. Plus- there's ninjas. Who doesn't love ninjas?
  • it can be violent at times but its still fun and awsome! my 7 year old half sister watches it and she likes it alot.
  • yea man if he knows it isnt real then yea.
  • Well, it depends on your- and his- view of it. If you think that its too violent for him, then don't let him watch it. If he understands that the anime is not real life, and is not scared or anything, then maybe he can watch it. Also, it might affect his thinking on things. Most young children tend to copy what they watch.
  • yes i do because i started watching naruto when i was 9
  • you might want to avoid the "sexy jutsu" parts though there are clouds/mist "there".

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