No. I would not be happy if she did.
Sure. But when she comes back, she's not going to be my girlfriend anymore.
No way! I mean any guy who could rent out a whole movie theater so they could watch it alone would be serious competition!
Hell no.
No i would tell her i have a serious problem with that
My boyfriend says "I wouldn't want her to and if she was faithful and far from naive she wouldn't go."
No! Why would I let my girlfriend go on a date with anyone besides me, and especially someone she used to love?
Hahahahahahahaha! I'm actually, literally, laughing. I sincerely think it's hilarious.
I would drive her there myself.While they were watching the movie I would drop everything of hers that I had outside the door of the movie theater.Hope she enjoyed the show.
if I were not still patching up the damage he caused, and there was a reason which I can not imagine, sure.
If she even asked me or wanted to go with him, i would dump her. It is time men get this thing back under control.
Yes I would. I honestly believe that a friendship is a sex free relationship. Just because two people used to be 'together' doesn't mean they can't hang out together. In today's society, being in a relationship with someone denotes that you are intimate with them, but that doesn't make them your possesion. We are all free to have friendships, especially with people who have similar tastes in movies!
I can't see a reason for the situation to come up. If she wanted to, sure. Why would I discourage her from telling me. She could've just gone and done it without telling me where she is.
I'd like to know the reason why first. And as much as she would swear to me that they were friends and he was not interested in a relationship with her, I would call total bullshit, because being a guy, I know how guys think, and no guy goes out to a movie with his ex unless he has something in mind. So basically my answer would be "Fine, go, but if you do, don't expect to find me here when you get back"
I would ask her to go and I would follow her with a spy glass. If she is caught in action I dump her next minute.
Sure. She wouldn't be my girlfriend anymore though.
am i going to be the only guy to say yes on that?
is that a serious question?
i cant wait to hear what guys say because i know they would have no problem if it was the other way around
Any woman that valued her current relationship would never ask her boyfriend to even make that desicion. Obviously she isn't over him if they are going on a date.
Being that women hanging onto exes is a huge pet peeve of mine, the fact that she would even ask something like that would probably make me dump her!
Absolutely not...tell her she's fat then leave...!
HELLS NO!!!!!!
I am not a guy, but I haven't hung out with my ex-boyfriend who lives in the same city as I do outside of school since before we started dating. 1) I am over him. 2) I'm doing it out of respect for my boyfriend, even though he trusts me alone with him.
It could be a test you know!! To see if you really trust her!! Relationships should be built on trust!! If you can't trust her then you shouldn't be together!!
If she wants to see a film, tell her to stay home and watch a video! Go to the movies with an ex-beau??? Oh, HEEEELLLLL No, Johnson...what's THAT all about?
Yes as long as she is honest to me about going to the movies and is not going to it behind my back
The real question is why you weren't invited along. If it was truly innocent, then they would have invited you. If it wasn't an ex, I would probably say it was ok. Plus, why a movie? There is no talking during movies, so if they are trying to "catch up" they aren't very smart. Seems shady.
awww guys do have feelings
No. Why would she feel the need to?
im not a guy but if shes dating her ex maybe you should let her go and dump him
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