• Religion will be always be the greatest dispute.
  • I was always accused of being a hipocrite (spelling?) by other christians. Aperantly we (catholics) choose what we want to and dont want to take from the bible... i just thought i was bieng progressive and non evangelical. Seems odd though that Catholics are acused of so many things that other christian faiths are guilty of... If jesus new that one christian were judging another, he'd be rolling in his grave! I havent answered your question, cause i dont really know the answer, but as consolation heres what i usually tell my accusers: "I will pray for you my bother/sister that one day you will see gods true light and end your days of blasphemous judgement."
  • Its called 'blind faith' , many people can not see past their own teachings nor can they accept others. I will say that there maybe some who are just trying to save your soul as they believe their religion is the right one.
  • Just about every faith picks and chooses what they will believe out of the Bible. They all decide what they like and don't like and then ignore that which they don't like. This is why we have so many different churches all claiming to be Christ's while disagreeing on a number of fundamental doctrines. No body wants to admit that this is what they are doing because then they would have to admit that their church is wrong and who wants to do that? The strife between religions comes when people become so wrapped up in their own beliefs and their conviction that they are right and others are wrong that they stop respecting the rights of others to believe as they wish. When people get this way, they usually find it necessary to prop up their own beliefs by attacking those of others. They get their preconceived notions about what they others believe and won't listen when members of those other faiths try to explain that they are wrong. In their pride, they claim that they know better what the other religions believe than the people who actually follow those religions. It is not pretty, but that is what happens.
  • Those who hate members of the Roman Catholic Church are ignorant, close minded, and afraid. God wants us to be compassionate and LOVE one another, not HATE. Why would someone HATE another for what they believe? You might disapprove of someone's actions, and you might disagree with someone's beliefs, but WHY HATE? Hate is not of God.
  • Is what you described hate? I think it could be classified as something else.
  • Because catholics hate everyone else.
  • ignore it. do what Jesus said turn the other cheek
  • I don't exactly consider myself to be a great christian (catholic) but the specific person I have to hear the "catholics are not mainstream christians" speach talks scripture out of one side of his mouth and the what he did with a hooker out of the other side of his mouth...he claims to be a rightous person lol...I try to not to get into conversations because I rather not get into an argument especially since it is a co-worker. Please don't take this as me thinking I am better than someone or without sin but I don't get how you can sleep with hookers on the regular and be rightous
  • Disagreeing with a catholic, does not constitute, hate. That is silly. That is a broad generalization, to say that all christians hate catholics.
  • Here's are a couple of reasons why: The Crusades: The Inquisition: The Salem Witch Trials: [Sexual] Abuse in the Catholic Church: Ok, so, I lied, it's more than a couple but I'm sure you get the idea why
  • MussMann, As an answer to your question, I'm going to try to do this with upmost caution as not to offend. Here goes, I agree with those who said that to hate a Catholic is not of God...that is absolutely correct. 1st John 4:8 says this, "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." Now then, John goes even further to say in 4:20, "If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar;...." As stewards of God, we are to love the sinner and hate the sin (the sin...not the sinner.). Now then, the reason some people say that Catholicism is wrong deals more with tradition issues. Yes, Jesus tells us to confess our sins to one another. The problem that some people find that goes along with this is that you can not be exalted from your sins by simply saying, "Forgive me father, for I have sinned" and then the, "Holy Mary full of graces." This is why some believe that you pray to Mary. See, only Christ alone can relieve you of your burdens of sin. Whether or not Catholics are praying to Mary or not would I guess be best answered by a Catholic, but it does certainly appear that way. See, you're asking a dead person something, Jesus says, "Let the dead be with the dead." Jesus, however, is not dead, he is very much alive and well and the only one that can free us from our sin. Hence, John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Then,Jesus also tells his Disciples to pray this way; "Our Father, who are in Heaven......" Second, it has been said before, by quite a few people that the Pope is infallible (can do no wrong). The problem with this is that, because of the fall of man (Adam and Eve), we are all now born into sin. So, that's why Jesus himself said that there is no good man, no, not one. Therefore, because of this, the Pope can not possibly be infallible else he would not be here. Third, through history, the church (Roman Catholic) seems to think that they have the authority to change scripture as they deem fit (this is a no,no by any man). Jesus makes this very clear. This was also written in a newspaper article I looked at a few years ago dated from 1957. Look, our petty differences are nothing compared to what were are all after. What we should be relying on most importantly is the Bible and the Bible alone. That my friends is the right denomination. As long as we read (Bible and commentaries to better understand), then that will surely keep us on the right path combined with prayer. The most important thing is your personal walk with Christ. You have that, genuinely, and the Bible will speak to you in ways that'll keep you in awe! But, my friends, a genuine hartfelt walk with Christ, prayer, and Bible study will be your complete and lifelong best friend. Re: The Lord will NEVER leave you nor forsake you! God bless each and everyone of you and my he do wonders in your lives.
  • I was raised protestant and recently tried to become Catholic. I know you don't worship Mary. Some people may think it strange that you petition her in prayer, but I don't think that's a strong reason to "hate"..."hate" stems from far more personal interactions with the church. I will tell you why I dislike (not hate) catholicism now, and why, I'm guessing, other people choose to hate it: 1) Intolerance of others: gays, post-abortive women, non-catholics. The world sees you out with picket signs, yelling at people, demanding people vote one way or another (in America, we like to be free to follow our conscience--having a bishop or priest tell you what to vote irks us on a deep level). 2) This goes for all Christians: people don't like being judged, insulted, tormented, or harassed (e.g. if a catholic tells you that your unbaptized baby died and went to purgatory or your husband/child/friend went to hell for suicide--you probably won't like them). I think the whole "holier than thou" attitude really sticks in people's craw and makes it hard for them to see ANY of the good things which are present in Christianity as a whole. Hope that clears that up! I've met good catholics, but I will never become one because I fond the group, as a whole, too intolerant and too willing to follow instead of think (even when the priest was just being mean). That's me, though. I can see why some would be pretty mad at the catholic church. The Ireland issue, the contraceptive issue, abortion rights, gay marriage... Put the picket signs down and help out in one of your soup kitchens instead. If all catholics do this, maybe more will come to Christ through your church. Until then, you're running them off in droves! Me included!
  • I don't just hate catholics, I don't approve of all religion. I think it's so ironic how religious people preach out of their asses as if they really are god or something, then next thing you know, we find out some are molesting kids....It's the fact that some religious act as if they are a more dominant species just because they have the abide by the bible. They are still human.
  • You should not and you don't have too argue about religion
  • truthfully its because of the whole thing about catholics molesting children thats why
  • Ah religion! It seems that not even Christians can agree on a unified truth. People call me clueless for perusing God on my own terms.
  • I do not hate Catholics. I have many seriously practising Catholic friends, and just as many nonpractising Catholic friends. I enjoy the fellowship I have with seriously practising Catholics, as a protestant Christian. We learn from each other!
  • hi, I been getting the same vibe and like you Im curious why people like to write negativity towards my faith. so I did some digging and the more I read the more text started to look like visual noise then it got annoying. so, here's what I think. I think the reason people project negativity has nothing to do with faith. It has more to do with the sources personal baggage, their ego, their own psychological deficiency. Its the same reason why they would say they hate the states, or MacDonalds or Paris Hilton, it's insecurity. They need an enemy to bind themselves, to give themselves direction. Im no psychotherapist but I'd say some of these guys need help. So, don't worry yourself with the negativity, the Internet has a lot of garbage just like the real world. And if they get in your face remember only love conquers hate. peace be with you
  • I do not hate, Catholics or any other denomitation of the Christian church. I don't understand the "Blessed Mother" part. But that is something I don't understand not something that would make me hate.
  • I am an ex-Catholic who is more of a Buddhist orientation now. I don't know why some folks hate Catholics. Perhaps its a throw back from the same ideologies that led to Protestantism in the first place. One of the biggest differences between Catholics and Protestants is that Catholics regard Mary and the Saints as intercessors, while Protestants believe they are able to go directly to God and cut through the middle man. For folks who don't understand, Catholics don't worship Mary. She is honored for her place as Jesus's mother. She is also looked to as a spiritual entity that people can seek solace in, get guidance from, and one who can carry our earthly burdens. No need to get upset about things. All religions have both similarities and differences. Isn't it great that folks have so many choices when it comes to finding a faith that ressonates with them as individuals?
  • Its just like how u consider the non-catholics.
  • Whether Catholics worship Mary or not depends how you interpret the word worship. Catholics certainly pray to Mary, and to many any form of prayer is worship. You may say that you are only praying for Mary to intercede with Jesus: nonetheless, that of itself constitutes worship in many people's eyes. You may say it is only veneration: others cannot see the difference between veneration and worship. So neither you nor they are "right" or "wrong" - it is a difference in understanding of the meaning of the word.
  • It goes back hundreds of years. The Protestants disagreed on many points when the Bible became available for anyone to read. The Pope's crew didn't want them to disagree. Violence and wars ensued.
  • I'm late on jumping in on this, but I thought I might have some insight to offer. I haven't read everybody's answers so I hope I don't duplicate. It is generally wrong to hate people, all who according to the Bible are created by God. People tend to look down on other people because of what they think and believe, and that is wrong. It is not wrong to believe somebody else is wrong tho. According to Biblical principles we are to hate wrong doing and false teaching. The Protestants fought against the Catholics because of differences in doctrine and rejection of Catholic authority. The truth is, most denominations teach contrary to the Bible, but they all have their theological excuses. Obviously praying to Mary is non biblical, not to mention most of the other doctrines that are taught. But the Protestants kept a lot of the false pagan customs and teachings when they split from the Catholic Church, like Christmas, Easter, the Trinity etc. So they don't really have a lot of room to criticize. It's not like they were splitting because they wanted to get back to the truth and nothing but the truth. So in the end, we are all in error to some degree or another. No room for hate, unless someone is evil with evil motives. Usually only God knows that for sure.
  • ...Well its because the ways of the catholic church are not ways of God. God doesn not want you to pray repetitive prayers to him, nor is there a purgatory. He does not want his churches or cathedrals as you call be adorned in gold, and lavished in riches...the pope is to not be called father, and the church is flooded with pagen beliefs. Sunday is not the day of worship...saturday is the sabbath...The saints and mary are not to be prayed to, nor should there be images of them, or the pope. The catholic church is the whore of babylon in the book of revelation. The church is flooded with abominations, death of martyrs...murders, war, terror...wrongful hate...and the list goes on and on and on. Its not they hate catholics either...I hate the catholic religion, the people are good people who want to love God...the only thing is, the God the catholics give the nothing more than an image, and the message they send out is...YOUR GOING TO HELL!!!...which is only condemning people. The word of God is to set the people free.
  • I don't hate you! As an Answerbagger, I like you. Some people are just anti-religion.
  • You know I was baptized Catholic and while I am not a practicing Catholic, or even part of that belief system now, I have never once been hated because I "worship" Mary. The Blessed Mother is as deserving as any figure to be honored. Anyone who would say such a stupid and ignorant thing, is not deserving of my time to even answer them. I don't know of anyone that hates Catholics. Who are you consorting with anyway? There is a lot of media attention on the preisthood and the child molesting issues and how the politics of the church have tried to cover this up. I'm sure many people see these actions as dispicable. But that does not mean they hate the Catholic people themselves. Stop being paranoid.
  • It's simple. You're BOTH wrong! :-D
  • 1) Of course you are wrong. From their point of view. This is the reason why there are different Christian Churches. 2) To tell you that you are wrong does not necessarily mean that they hate you.
  • I would like to quote an Archbishop Fulton Sheen,who stated “There are not one hundred people in this world who hate Catholicism, but there are millions who hate what they mistakenly believe Catholicism to be.” That pretty much describes any form of discrimaion. Now there is a diffrance between an Anti-Catholic, a non-Catholic, and someone who is predjudace aginst Catholic. I have a freind who is anti-Catholic and belives that we worship Mary and practice magic and so on. But I explain it to her, and she sometimes says I'm wrong and I just reminder I know more about Catholicism than you do. SHe thinks that Catholics are not Christans but does not belive that Catholics are condimed. She is an Anti-Catholic. I have another freind who is protastnt and disagrees with much of Catholicism. If she agreed she be Catholic, but she does not and nothing is wrong with that. I know another girl who thinks I am evil because I'm catholic (even those she told me I had a heart of gold before she found out) and honestly thinks that we encorage cutting, and won't go near me except to tell me I will rot. She is predujest aginst Catholics.
  • Leah, I am a Christian and, if I may be so bold, on the behalf of myself and other Christians I want to personally apologize to you for any rude behavior towards yourself and your beliefs. That's just wrong. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we have a right to be rude. If you could enlighten me, why is it exactly that you worship Mary or do you just pray to her? I don't know that much about Catholicism and would appreciate the info. :)
  • I don't hate them I just hate what they belive...asking a mortal person to forgive them of sins is something I can not grasp. sorry.
  • It is not only Catholics who are in the firing line, it is people of every religion. I am a Muslim and have this happen to me as well. I just think to myself that the ones who belittle my religion are close-minded and not good people, be they Christians or others. Try to take their words with "a grain of salt." Some people are just naturally rude and nasty. Ignore them and go happily on your way. Salaam
  • It is because those people do not bother to learn anything about the religion. I have been Southern Baptist for over 50 years, and learned long ago that Catholics do NOT worship Mary, but rather honor her as being the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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