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  • depends where you are to grow. inside you can grow anytime of year. out side wait untill the last frost in the spring and they will be ready by the end of september to the begining of octber. inside you can grow up to 3 grops a year. you can grow them for a month and a 1/2 and then put them into flowering for the next 3 months. by then you will have started the next crop and when the first ones are done you put the second ones in to flowering and so on. when you have them in the vegative stage you should only let them get a foot to a foot 1/2 tall then flower them. get rid of all males unless you want seeds. for the seedling stage use flosusent light for 14 hours on and 10 hours off. for the vegative stage use the same hours but switch the light to a high pressure sodium light. when flowering use a metal halide light for 8 hours on and 16 hours off. they will grow much faster this way and you can get to grow more than one crop a year. a 400 watt light will cover an area about 10ftx10ft. that should grow about 20 nice females at a time. best if you have 3 growing rooms. one for the seedling. one for the vegative stage. one for the flowering. do not interupt the flowering stage when the lights are off. any light will delay the flowering time and make you crop yeild lille less. make sure to change you flower pots to the correct size when the plants get to big for the one that they are in. always use new soil and dont reuse you old cause that is how you can spread desieses and kill you crop.

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