By all means, go out with the new guy! Sometimes a rebound is just the thing to help you get over an ex!
Go out with him and quit dwelling on the past and being miserable. You might have fun!
What's wrong with going out with him? Get you mind off your ex..
don't go on the rebound it almost always hurts one or both of you sooner or later :( make sure you're over your ex first. but that's just my experience and my opinion.
Go out with the guy! It'll help you get over your ex, and who knows, mabey you'll learn to love the guy.
If you miss you ex and there's no way you will ever be getting back with him then the only thing you can do is move on. And getting a new guy is sometimes just the thing you need for that to happen easily. Go out with the new guy and test him out. The whole situation is in your hands.
Gotta love teen angst! If we could bottle it, we'd have no energy crisis. Seriously, move on. If you're stuck on the old guy after three months, then rethink it. Otherwise, suck it up and move on.
maybe you should go out with him if you like him
It's okay to be sad. Loosing a friend and an Ex is hard. Now, tomorrow is a New day.
maybe you should go out with him, it might get your mind off your ex
i would go out with him, he'll get your mind off your ex
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