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  • I dont think relationships are or have to be complicated. as long as their is comunication every thing is fine. if you have a problem talk about it, if you want something go for it. As for love you are either in love or not. you either feel happy or you are not. its a simple yes or no, not complicated at all. I can only answer for my self other people may have different views im sure.
  • I believe that when we lose sight of what's really important in life then relationships can suffer... I think that people over complicate love... the most common mistake is for people to think that when you're in love... all of your love should be focused on one person... Instead I believe it's important to develop love for everyone in your life... your family... your friends... your partner... your work friends... even people you don't know and your enemies... When you restrict your love you stop yourself from growing... however when you release the flood-gates it becomes much easier to love... All of a sudden relationships are simple again ;)
  • they are not complicated once you start understanding them.
  • Because everybody is afraid of two opposing problems: committing themselves to someone who isn't committing to them, and having someone else commit themselves deeply and expect the same commitment in return when you are not ready to give it. The fact is that the instant total certainty - love at first sight on both sides - is a myth. You meet someone - you like them, and they like you. But are they honest? Are you honest? Is one of you just in it fro sex? Or money? Or just till someone better comes on. And you are not perfect - and nor is the other. Can you put up with his/her failings. And should you wait a while, in case someone better (richer, more beautiful, with fewer bad habits and unpleasant relatives)? Forming a relationship is a series of steps: you keep getting a little closer, then testing that closeness, and, if it works, getting a little closer again. Eventually, you will get close enough that you, together, can decide that it is permanent. Or long term, anyway. Or for quite a while, at least (hang on - the bastard's backing out - doesn't really love me...). Each side wants the other to go in deeper first. If you take the nest step, I'll go along with you = but prove your love first, before asking me to prove mine. It's a surprise the human race has made it this far. Well, actually, people really want to pair off. But a fair few have got hurt in the process - and their children remember.
  • well simply, you have to give and take. If one or both partners are not making the effort then things tend to go wrong

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