• I can't believe no one answered this one...
  • In response to both your question, and the answer you posted expressing surprise that no one had answer this question yet: No one wants to face that the world is changing radically, and fast. Slowly , the freedoms we have come to love in the US have been taken away, and traded away to help other countries and our allies... even our enemies. Anyone who has lived outside the US and seen the way the world really can be, can see how corrupt the US is compared to our allies. People have been deceived into thinking that what happens in the rest of the world really matters, if it doesn't directly impact the US. Well most things going on in the world DO NOT mean anything for America, but the American government won't stay out of other people's affairs. In that, we are putting the importance of others before ourselves. While that may be noble on a small scale, when you are talking about millions of people getting screwed over in their own country for the needs of the rest of the world, that is most unfair. The icing on the cake, is that these days no one can speak up about anything major like this without the chance of being called out for discrimination. Well, I am a citizen of the united states. That means I put my nation first before others, and worry about domestic problems before those happening halfway around the world. If we would stop trying to solve other nation's problems, and worry about our own, the US could remain a major power for centuries. As it is now, the US will not exist as it does now in another hundred years. I see what is currently the US becoming part of a "North American Union" or something like that. I consider that silly, as the most powerful nation in the world would be putting itself on the level of much less powerful nations, like Mexico.
  • Yes. It will be replaced by the policies and whims of a bureucracy controled by international financiers (Rockefellers) ... which is, actually, pretty much what we have already in the US despite the Constitution.
  • in a manner of speaking, yes..... But it will probably still be there, but just so altered that it would be barely recognizible as being what the US constitution once was. Americans will think its still the Constitution, but it will be different. People still think the PAtriot Act is Part of the Constitution, not realizing its taking away many of the personal liberties that the Constitution was supposed to protect.
  • The constitution will be obsolete. A study of the organization of the European Union shows that any rights they may have had, are now replaced with "Privileges". Even though there are elections, the upper governing councils are not elected. Also, the formation of regional Unions around the world is an intermediary step in the formation of a One World Government, with ultimate sovereignty being transferred to this world governing body. This is academic information, freely available from the perpetrators themselves. The constitution must be made obsolete because there are no "Rights" in economic "Unions", only privileges
  • Yes. The days of our Constitution are almost over. The New World Order, promoted by the international elite, will replace it. The final goal is globalization for mass slavery. The superhighway is under construction in front of most of our fellow Americans blind eyes. My 2 cents.

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