Sorry I have not yet met my one true love. Still looking. Wish me luck.
I think about her every day. I'm married to her.
Not yet ever.
None, she is sitting beside me right now!
every day since 3/27/05 and I will continue to do so til it is my turn to leave this world.
I have too many one true loves to think about every day. I love all of them.
My love died and I think of him every single minute. When I read our Bible and see his notations I cry and cry.
I just had lunch with her about 5 minutes ago.
10 months on Sunday coming
Going on two years...I think about him EVERY SINGLE day when I am not with him!
Since August 1988 when he died at the hands of a drunk-driver and yes, I think of him every single day and dream of him, but not nearly often enough. I might add that I am happily remarried, and love my husband very much, but the one true love of life was just that.
Thankfully it's only been 9 hours and he will be home in about 4 more....I miss him when he walks out the door.
I haven't found mine yet
It's been a couple of months since I've been with my true love. But he's in a relationship with someone else, and I won't do anything that will cause him any problems. I will probably end up old and alone. But at least I got to know what real love really is.
um lets see going on two.i mean he was my first love but im over it.i hink about what we had when i get sad.
She died 22 years ago and I still think about her daily.
It has been 20 years since I have seen my one true love. I still think of him and have thought of him hear and there and in between. I'm just glad I have had such a love.
only 1 and a half years. and i think about him all the time. I'll let you know in 20 years.
362 days... yes I still think about him.
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