• Because that's the definition of faith: believing without seeing Anything else besides faith has to be studied and proven
  • I suppose it is because religion has such a powerful influence over society. It is not unique though. Not as common now but you still get examples of unswerving loyalty to political movements . The attitude of "I'll vote X 'til I die". Maybe not quite as strong as religious conviction but getting very close maybe?
  • Maybe because proof itself is rather relative. It’s closely linked with trust. We could say they have an inverse relationship. The higher the level of trust the lower the level of ‘proof’ that will suffice. God, sorry, life gives us illustrations. Take those who do not believe that man has been on the moon. Think of the level of proof that most of us demanded to believe that. I think if we had been shown a photograph of the astronaut’s practice walk on earth and told that it was a shot on the moon we would have been inclined to believe it. Now compare that with the level of proof that a skeptic would require. Out of frustration you could put a hardcore skeptic on the next flight and back and he might tell you it was a fantastic dream or virtual reality experience. I am straying just a little here, but it’s another factor that explains the readiness to believe when it comes to God and that’s hope. People love to have hope. That’s one of the reasons they’ll try all sorts of cures, remedies, potions and cosmetics.
  • I thought it was the other way around.

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