• If my ex answered this she would say i'm too unstable or maybe even too crazy to see my son. That says alot from a person who doesn't want to educate themselves about my illness in the first place. Some of the most book educated people can be so stupid.
  • I won't get into the details of my story here, but I will say that my ex-wife has some serious issues. I just wish that I would have noticed them sooner.
  • Because I am the momma and no way could I have lived without them and this DOES NOT apply to other men, but My kids' father is not very patient and he would not have gave them near as much time as I did. I do know of some men who do much better then the mother.
  • I have custody because my ex tried to stop my divorce by not showing up but when he didn't show, the judge awarded me visitation with him having supervised visits
  • Well I was only 13 years old when my daughter was born and for the first year and a half of her life she lived with her neglecant mother and grandmother. I finally had my parents file for custody rights to her as her mother had gotten in with the wrong crowd and they ended up willingly signing her over. For the next four years my parents were her gaurdians until i moved out of the house recently. I was then signed over rights to her and I now have full legal custody of my daughter. Shes now 5 and im 18. Her mom has supervised visitation rights only.
  • because he just walked away 9 yrs ago and never looked back
  • this is for jodie 44 the reason it looks like i was a mom an a teen is because my 16 yrs daughter also asked a question on my profile sorry for the misunderstanding
  • When I was single I had custody because his father was a crackhead.
  • I have custody of my daughter, because all her father cares about is drugs, drinking, partying and sex. He dosent not take responsibly what so ever. He even has a second child on the way with another girl. He's a deadbeat. Im only 17 having to raise a child myself is hard, but I get by. My daughter will be 2 years old and she doesent need him. shes better off.
  • Because my ex husband was violent and couldnt be trusted with hsi children,he was irresponsible and wouldnt put seat belts on them whenh he was driving,would give them whole packs of sweets to shut them up,basically he was unfit. My first husband and i have joint custody but he chooses not to see his children because he doesnt want to maintain them!!!!
  • Yes because he was to selfish to do it.
  • my kids "sperm donor" thought i was human punching bag!! the guy was satan' spawn!!!!
  • I have custody of my child because his father is a complete psycho-path and his drugs and alcohol are more important in his life then his own kid. But to all you single parents out there that have custody, its okay your doing the best you can and there is nothing you can really do to change what is already happened.
  • I have custody because, my ex didnt care enough to even show up for court, he didnt feel like wasting his time. He also is abusive, and would have not won anyway.
  • My ex has given me temporary custody while he sorts himself out. It's taking a long damned while and I may just make it permanent. He's not looking like he'll get his act together any time soon.
  • No parent should have 'custody' of a child. Its a barbaric term, with barbaric implications. The child was born with two parents, and as long as both are living, still has two parents. Generally custody is awarded to the person with the largest control problems, and that is really a tragedy. Sometimes both parents fight for control, and in that case, its more often than not, award to the woman, which is sexism, pure and simple. Outlaw 'custody' now....both parents get parenting time and a parenting plan, with no enrichment of one parent, and no slavery of the other. Equality is equal support, equal time with both parents. Now you say, in some cases one parent doesn't time with the that case, they get what they desrve. But the problem in America today, is a parent that wants equal time and equal support of his children, is being forced out of the childs life and into a visitor role by a barbaric cruel system. Anyone who supports that, is a hate monger.
  • My mom has custody of me because my dad didn't want to spend the time and money associated with having custody of a child. He walked away 8 years ago and I haven't seen him since.
  • Because no body could handle them but ME....
  • Because my ex concluded that I got pregnant on purpose and said I stole his sperm and went to a fertility clinic to get pregnant (Yes laugh please. I did, and so did his family and the court when he tried to pull out the violins and tell that story). Because he did everthing in his power avoid court left all the responsibility in my hands until a court told him to get his sh*t together. Becuase he thought school, the new girlfriend, and the new girlfriends kids were more important than his new baby, or his older child from a previous relationship. Because he didnt want to work. Because he is 28k in back support with his older child, and 5k
  • Because my ex is a serious sex offender and behind bars. He will never see my children, not on my life.
  • I have physical custody of our 2 children because I had always been a stay-at-home mother and their primary caregiver and it just made sense to continue this, in the best interest of the kids. My ex has visitation and sees the kids every weekend. We have joint legal custody, as it should be, since we are both involved and responsible parents who have and want a say in our childrens' education and medical goings-on.
  • I was a single mom for six months. I got with a new guy when my son was six moths old and have been with him for almost 13 years now. The reason why I have my son and not my ex is because when I was 8 months pregnant he told me to go get on welfare because he worked hard for his money and he wanted to buy stuff for himself and not for a baby. So I kicked his butt out. Then he said it was too hard because he still loved me and the baby reminded him of me. He has been a dead beat dad every since.
  • My daughter's father has passed away. My son's father bailed when I told him I was pregnant.
  • Because we agreed I should keep our 3yr old.But he sees her every single day so not much has changed except he doesn't live here lol
  • Her father didn't want anything to do with her. He has met her a few times, but has since left Australia to avoid any responsibility. Some guys are just jerks!
  • I have custody, because her father decided to be with another woman after 20 years. My daughter is my life and a honor role student. Children are asked to be born, but it's our duty as a parent to teach them to believe in theirselves and never let anything take your happiness away. Her dad did give me a beautiful girl and with those words- she is my young adult finding herself in life.
  • I was at one ex walked off and left two babies with me.. I meet Mrs Right and we raised 4 together and now they're all grown and we split up after 22+ yrs.
  • MarkTime I simply agree.... We live in an age where common since is no longer common. If the "best Interest" of a child is at stake by either parent with a VALID not made up fishing expedition substantiated govermental compelling interest, then perhaps custody be awrded to the so called "fit". To many political interest that supercede the "best interest" of the child today and the CONTROL game of either parent perpetrated onto another in a society out of control, and without common since. I just caution readers, if the INTEREST is in fact the child, then let it be just that. We all were children once. WE needed love and security and to know Mommy and daddy. In all the theories and Rubics of custody remember the most important rule; DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU, that is love your kids and try to be at peace and show equity with the other parent and respect the CHILDS other PARENT, that is the " BEST INTEREST " Regardless !
  • It was the least disruptive for our children. Their dad gets to see them anytime he wants (also for their sake.) The way I see it, WE had the marriage that didn't work, THEY didn't choose to be brought into it. Whatever is best for them, I do.
  • Because my daughter wants to live with me!
  • Simply because my ex wasn't interested in being a can't be someone's dad if you're not there.
  • Because i'm her mother and there is no reason she shouldn't be with me!! Her father is a great father but this is just the arrangement we have and everyone is happy with it!!
  • He moved away when she was born to go to school. We only dated for a couple months before I got preg. We are very laid back people and we get along as friends and she has a great dad and im a great mom. I wish every co-parent could be as happy with our decisions as we are. We just arent meant to be together but We are ultimately responsible for OUR actions. I offered to raise her & he was too immature at the time. It has worked out!! thank GOD
  • Because my daughters father is unable to care for himself let alone a defenseless two year old...Luckily for us he is aware of this (most days) and has not taken me to court for custody
  • It was non-contested by him, we didn't even see the inside of a court room. I went for custody because I wanted to have guardianship over our daughter as I knew he would not be granted it due to his record for assault.
  • im a single parent of six kids ,i have sole the childrens father does give a stuff abt his kids.....see s them abt 3 times a year at his convenience...and does want to pay child support,tries every trick in the book to avoid paying

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