• Get with someone closer to age range, who has a career, and is independant.
  • Get with someone closer to age range, who has a career, and is independant.
  • Get with someone closer to age range, who has a career, and is independant.
  • Get with someone closer to age range, who has a career, and is independant.
  • hes still a you remember being 21? not many at that age are thinking of the responsibilitys of the future...there is nothing wrong with dating a younger man...just dont expect him to be something he isnt...
  • Wait until he has a job. Consider more distance between you until then, *and* make sure you have a prenuptial agreement around finances. If you don't want him to depend on you forever -- then you should get that commitment from him in writing.
  • Wow, that's some pretty candid if not reasonable advice. Thanks! I'll keep it all in mind. I don't let my fiance depend upon me anymore and keep him at a distance financially now. Should I expect that he'll always be poor?
  • I am also seeing a younger man I'm 38 he's 23 and really HOTT! It all started when he was 19 he became my best friend as all other GIRLS drooled over him it was me that saw him as a person and still do. I'm his comfort and support, he is mine. He never has taken financial support from me he is successful with a good job and he goes to college owns his car. He has two lil boys that he loves and takes care of. My point is age don't matter if he loves you and is successful. There are men who are older who still are not successful so his age is not the reason he has to want to be. Hell don't worry about your family's judgment. If your happy be happy if it bothers you now about the financial support it will destroy the love later don't be his SUGAR MAMA be his love, comfort and support.
  • I'm 38 my boyfriend is 24. Similar situation but my family is not judgmental, nor do they live near me. His family is another story. The question is does it matter if he's poor forever? Do you love him for the man he is now or the man he might someday be? If he's in school at least he has his eye on the future. Mine works a crap job and isn't in shcool. I think what's more important is how motivated/hard working is he and how do you feel about him? Would you still love him in 10 years if he's a poor teacher or social worker once he finishes his degree?

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