• Bring the mom flowers or something baked. If you can, bake it yourself! If not, make sure it's from a real bakery, not the grocery store! Make sure to ask questions about her day. Invite her to dinner with your girlfriend and yourself. Offer to pick stuff up from the store. ALWAYS have your girlfriend home on time! Have compliments about how she looks, how the house looks, stuff like that. Make sure you take time to chat, don't just grab your girlfriend and leave. Always be polite. Never have your car stereo loud when you pull up to the house. Treat her daughter (and her) with respect. Stay out of jail. (That's always a good point scorer! lol)
  • Become an intellectual
  • Depends on the kind of game you're playing...a board game? Video game? Air hockey?
  • Treat her like a person. If I was a mother and I had a daughter with a boyfriend and her boyfriend showered me with gifts, I would wonder what his intentions were. I might also conclude that he's just trying to impress me so that he gets my "daughter" as a trophy. And then, again, from one girl's perspective. I have a boyfriend and if he suddenly started giving my mother special treatment, I would wonder what was going on. I'd ask myself: 1) What is he trying to prove? 2) What does he want from me? 3) Why can't he just be himself around her? 4) Is he too busy trying to score points with her to pay attention to me? ... etc.
  • Do not go overboard but some flowers occasionally are acceptable. Politeness and treating her and her daughter with kindness and respect should endear you to her.
  • Ask her a good question on AB. =D
  • Whew! I am glad that others have answered this - when I first read it, I thought it said 'How do you score with your girlfriend's mom?' I was going to lambast the asker for asking a vulgar question!!
  • Why??:p
  • thanks Punny
  • My girlfriend's mom just had surgery. Sent flowers, major points although I should state that you shouldn't do something nice just to score points. I actually like her mom(she's in her seventies). Sweet lady. That being said, just treating her daughter in a respectful and appreciative way when you are all together goes a long way. But again, you shouldn't be doing it to score points. You should always treat your g/f ,or anybody else for that matter, respectfully. Life is not a tallying of points.
  • Ask her out ;)
  • by showing her how much and how well your treat her daughter and how happy you are making her and the love and respect you give to her
  • Be extremely respectful and polite.. don't say anything outrageous.. don't try to feel up your girlfriend when the mom is around.. ya know common sense stuff. lol
  • tell her you love her cooking
  • If she is anything like your girlfriend, she probably likes some of the same things. Often mother and daughter will share preferences; have you tried offering her your penis? Perhaps a slice of nutcake?
  • Treating her daughter well is a very good start :)
  • just be nice to her

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