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  • Astrologically and especially in a relationship there are three basically equivalent personality cores: Sun, Moon and Ascendant. One cannot then accurately discuss the needs, wants, skills or weaknesses of a particular person without these three. To do so would be like shooting darts blindfolded or being Sydney Omarr. (watch for the flame comments)
  • well I have a boyfriend whos a pisces and we have been together for alomost a year now.There are alot of ways on to how to please them. The basics of understanding a Pisces - Take note that these are the basics to getting to know and understand a Pisces: Pisces tend to enjoy laughing. Pisces can be quite sensitive and moody, and even if we don't seem like it, we can be quite emotional inside. Pisces will always be able to tell if something is wrong, probably because we have some sort of sixth sense thing going on and are practically able to read another's emotions. Pisces can view the world as both ugly and beautiful. Pisces tend to have a difficult time with reality, thinking that society is too cruel. Pisces can be quite shy. Pisces can be afraid of huge crowds, so hold their hand. Pisces tend to feel that they need their space and independence to do their own activities. Pisces tend to dislike being constantly criticized. Pisces tend to easily daydream a lot. Pisces can be artistic, and can enjoy anything related to music, art, photography, or acting. Pisces tend to go in their own little world on the computer, and may seem a bit more different than in reality. Pisces can be easily misunderstood. Pisces can seem mysterious, but if you get to know them, they can be quite sarcastic (in a good way) and funny Pisces like someone who is a person witha sense of humor,interested in books,movies,music,world events. Not mean,not a dra ma queen easy to talk to,sensual,lady around the peoples...ho in bed and at the crib,someone with her own interests and hobbies and job,a loyal and devoted friend who wouldn't smother me yet someone who would seek me out when she hasn't heard from me in a little while. Someone who wouldn't be embarassed about me rubbing her ass when we were in public or kissing or holding hands. someone who would ask me to support her in something she really wanted to do. Someone with beautiful legs and FEET and a nice ass and big nipples. Someone who could bring me close to orgasm but not let me have it over and over again. If and when he strays with an ex or other sexy female who has hit on him, because they do, so be strong; then you leave and until then enjoy the ride. Nothing is certain, regardless of the sign! Pisces men have beautiful souls.
  • Get him a scorpio woman.
  • That was a really great answer Scorpio86, best thing I've ever seen written about the Pisces man and I have read alot because I am one. You really understand the Pisces.
  • I'm a pretty typical pisces man... here's some things that I like/dislike. I like women who are gentle, reserved, unassuming and open minded. Someone who can hold a conversation for hours. I like women who have strong opinions and will share them, but not shove them down my throat and are open to mine as well. I absolutely can't stand women (or people in general) who are constantly bragging and/or negatively drawing attention to themselves. As far as pleasing the pisces man, here's what works for me personally. The comment above about hating crowds is definitely true for me. I'm really uncomfortable in large clubs, or parties with too many people I don't know. Most of the time I would much prefer to stay home curl up in bed and watch a movie. Romantic dinners are good too (either at home or in a nice, quiet, uncrowded restaurant). The best night I ever remember having with a woman was watching a sunset on a secluded beach, And there is nothing in the world to me that's better than showering with a woman in candle light. I know that all sounds really cheesy and cliche, but pisces men are probably the men that are most likely to actually like all that cheesy romantic stuff. I definitely do. That all being said, pisces are known to get bored easily. I know that for myself, as much as I prefer to be in the comfort of my own home, I do need to get out once in a while. Usually I try to go out once every few weeks on a weekend. I prefer a movie or restaurant, sometimes a coffee house if the atmosphere is good. Here's a tip if you do find yourself at a crowded place with a pisces man, particularly a concert or club... Don't take your attention off of him for anything more than a few minutes. There is nothing I hate more than when a woman brings me to a place with loads of people that I don't know, and then wanders off while I'm standing there uncomfortably. Also, the more PDA the better. Hope that's all helpful.
  • Everytime I have met a Pisces, I have fallen in love. They are usually good looking and mingle with good looking people. As to your question... To please a Pisces man: Be attentive Be attractive Be Sexy Be artistic Be yourself Be active Be receptive Be compasionate Be emotional Be loving Be cool Be assertive Be good in bed Be intelligent

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