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  • Every man has fantasies like that, there is no reason for you to feel hurt. Just tell him no, that you are not into it. Actually, there was a funny movie about this situation a while back- in the movie, she said OK, but only if she gets to watch him with another man first. That shut him up. :)
  • I'm a little confused as to why you would be hurt. 1, you say you might do it if you were single, but not in a relationship... That doesn't even make sense to me. Men have fantasies like this all the time. This isn't personal, or even about you. If yoy're not interested don't do it! There's no rule stating you have to live any and all fantasies that your partner wants, even if you're uncomfortable with it! Just tell him that you don't want to, and move on.
  • well, i want my girlfriend to do that too only because its a fantasy to watch hot girls go at it and what better then one of them being my girlfriend. i would NEVER push her into it. I only mentioned it once or twice when we are jokingly talking about lesbians. if you boyfriend is pushing you then you need to think twice about what kind of relationship you are in and what type of person he is. if he just suggested it once with no pressure or anything then you have to ask yourself if that type of behavior is for you and do you have any desire to do it. my girlfriend has absolutley no desire nor curiousity to do so, therefore this fantasy resides in my head for myself only. where are you at with yourself and go from their. dont let him pressure you into anything.
  • It sounds like you may feel a little hurt because he wants more than just you. This is a common male fantasy and in a way flattering that he would share the fantasy with you. However, if you do not feel comfortable or think he would think differently of you, decline! Just give yourself a little breathing room and think about what you want and why it would and would not bother you. Don't give up a chance to enjoy an experience because you are uncertain of him or his motivations, make the right decision for yourself. As a side note, back in the day an ex-bf introduced the idea with his current gf and invited me.. it was great and I became very good friends with her. :)
  • This is my answer to that if you man isn't the to keep asking after you do it then go ahead if he the type to ask every other day if you can get a friend to do this everytime you give him some then don't do it and ask yourself this after it's all done how would you feel
  • I would try not to be too hurt about this. I think this is a fantasy of more guys than not. Just tell him it would hurt you to do it, maybe you can come to a compromise, talking can be okay in bed, if you both understand it is "bedroom fantasy talking" only. I think I understand why you say you might try if you were single, there wouldn't be any reason to feel hurt about it, it would just be you and not the one you love wanting it?
  • Dont do it!! Please dont give in to a guys demends. Im a guy. This person that is wanting you to do this is not worth your time if he sticks to his demands. Some will say its normal. But dont do it. If you do, you might end up with lesbian tendencies and even become one. In all probabilities, it will ruin your relationship and will likely end it. Its just a matter of how long it will take to end. So if you really love the guy, be honest with him, tell him that its not right and you dont want to do it. If he leaves you or tells you to either do this or leave, then run, dont walk to the nearest exit and dont look back. Phillip
  • Great initial advice you've been given by Relir7h. Seems like you have a big difference in personal interests and values with your boyfriend so it's no wonder you're hurt by him asking you to be with another woman. I would suggest you have a long sitdown heart-to-heart talk with your boyfriend about this and both your wants, needs, desires, values and even goals and fantasies with no holds barred. It could save you both a lot of potential future grief. Best Wishes and Good Luck!
  • Don't EVER do anything that you don't feel comfortable with...Your question sounds like it says far more about him that it does you.
  • i find so many aspects of your question disturbing. it sounds like you are secretly bi-sexual but that is just my take on it. the fact that he would like to watch you and another girl isn't surprising, with all the crazy porn out there that he probably views it's no wonder he would make this request. tell him that you would really enjoy watching him and another man make love and see what his reaction is.. tell him that the idea of him getting dominated and sodomized by another guy would be a big turn on for you.
  • Say you'll do it after you get to watch him make love to another man ; ) Even if you don't really want to do that, just say it and he'll almost certainly shut up about it : P If you don't really mind doing it, then I don't see much of a problem *shrugs* It's really a choice you'll have to make
  • i think most of the time why women are hurt when their man brings up something like this is that it's evidence that 1) they actually desire someone else besides us (oh no!!!) and 2) it makes us realize though they might love us, they are moving aggressively (not just looking at) towards other women most men are like this, so accept it also, DONT do anything you're not comfortable with, including putting all your energy/life/trust into a man who doesnt put equal energy into YOU i think its normal for men to want other women besides the one they're with (come on girl, who are we kidding, we do it too), for them to suggest bringing one into their woman's home? hhmmm...something to think about
  • I dont get it, you say you might try it if you were not with him? It isnt like he is telling you to go fuck another guy, this is a woman! It is a fantasy of about 99% of men, and all he is doing is being open and honest about that fantasy. You have a choice of whether to fulfil that fantasy or not, it is your choice and he must respect that of course. However, do not get angry or hurt at him because he has the fantasy. If anything you should pat him on the back and say thank you for being open and honest and communicating with you about it.
  • Let her go down on you and get you really horny then just do what come natural
  • it is definitley not uncommon for guys to fantasize or even ask for their gf to either be in a 3some or have sex with another girl in front of them. it seems to be a big turn on for any guy to see two girls together. and it totally makes sense to me considering i am a bit bi curious myself and can only watch lesbian porn. anyways i totally know how u feel though because my bf has often mentioned that he would love for me to be with another girl with him. but that is mainly my fault for putting the idea in his head, considering i told him about my experience of being with a girl before him. but now that i am sooo into him, i wouldnt even consider it! i dont want to share him and i dont think he should want to share me! buuuut if u could find the right person, it might be fun :) or if its the wrong person it could just be awkward lol
  • For some guys, thats a BIG watch their girl have sex with another woman. In a past relationship, i did it..the girl was his sometime bed buddy..I ended up being more interested in HER and she with me, lol..he felt left out. Was i hurt that he wanted to do it? At first, but, i had always been bi-curious so, there was my opportunity. Needless to say, that led to him being totally distrusting of me thereafter and no, i never did it without him or again while we were together and thats not why the relationship ended. I would LOVE to have a threesome with my current guy..he knows im bi and would be content just to watch..; have to have trust and if you arent comfortable doing it, just tell him. Maybe try watching some porn 1st..with him of course, and maybe, if it comes up in the future, you might be a bit more open to it. MAYBE. Some women arent and thats fine, but if he pushes it on you, then, he's not the one for you hun..
  • Wait a minute. Is this a fantasy of his, or does he really WANT you do do that? I'm not female, but I think if I were, I'd be insulted beyond endurance, and be out of the relationship with him before dark.

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