• I have! And of all the creepy crawly critters ticks creep me out about the worst! Them and bed bugs! But PCB's are dangerous! Have you tried any of the organic pesticides?$&target=&aceid=&adposition=&trackid=us_all_top_1_1&mId=407-132-4411&trackOld=true&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0tKiBhC6ARIsAAOXutk3WFQwzBZm0spa6NkIURsJycHS9413B2ZpJ69SEFVtsBFgMP9DlSIaAn0eEALw_wcB
  • Over my life time of 84 years I have had 5 or 6 ticks latch on to my body. One of the last I was afraid I had contracted tick fever, but I hadn't.
  • Many times when I was young and we used to go camping. I've never been bitten by once since so far as I know.
  • Oh yes, several times. One doesn't live in the oak forests of CA without the occasional nasty little vampire bug eating us for a while. Fortunately, I never contracted Lymes disease from them. 5/6/23

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