• Teaching your child reading and writing is no simple task. Well teaching your child anything is no simple task, especially reading. Starting out small and creating a plan of action is going to be what really works. This includes just starting with small improvements, like learning the alphabets, understanding the direction of reading, and sounding out letters is a great place to start. Of course though, getting started is the hardest part. Also, I'm applying three great tips from on early reading. It get's a lot more IN DEPTH. Tip 1: Start with the Alphabet. It
  • When they are old enough to learn the sounds animals make they can learn the sounds of letters and their names. Read to them pointing to the words. My son learned some of his letters from the book Across the big country with Donald Duck. and when my grandson ask me to teach him how to read when he was 4 I checked out a book from the library about teaching your child how to read. there are also educational toys like the LeapFrog school bus and the alphabet ball That help teach children phonics as well. Good luck!
  • Go to a public library. Start with picture books and read them to your children. Ask them to point out the dog, house, whatever is in the story. You should soon see which type of story keeps their attention, so get more of those. Buy a few Dr. Seuss books - most kids love them and will memorize the story. "Hop on Pop" and "Mr. Brown" were starter books that went over well.
  • probably by reading with him
  • When teaching letters and letter sounds, incorporate as many senses as possible. Read a variety of books and make a game out of guessing the genre. Encourage your child to sound out short words (consonant, vowel, consonant). Practice memorizing a few sight words each day
  • by reading to the kid
  • Make reading enjoyable. Read to them, play word games and choose books that have humor at their core - mysteries, fantasy and science fiction. They are popular with children who struggle with reading.
  • The same way a teacher educates students to read. They start out learning the alphabet and then form letters into words and how to pronounce the words correctly. Pronunciations are simplified for the student by breaking down the letters in a word. It takes patience with the child. They might be slow at learning but there is nothing wrong with that and eventually they will improve their reading. Other children will be faster at learning. This is something that needs to be understood by the person teaching whether it’s a teacher or a reading partner. There are educational toys for kids to help them with learning the words.

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