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  • Hello, officegirl. Nice to see you again.
    • officegirl
      On the former AB I was "Anonymous" and I left the site before they pulled the plug on it. Then I discovered it was back in October or November and decided to use "officegirl" which had previously been my password - because I still am one. Trying to place you - did you know "indyla" (Indira)? Who I liked very much and used to correspond with but unfortunately never got to know very well. Some of her questions have been recycled, under her name, on the current site. If so I remember we corresponded for a little while oh a year and a half ago or so? Hi! Thank you.
    • Anonymous
      You're bang on target. Is there some way we can resume our correspondence? I loved it so much! Hows Gerry? And the girls, Kendra and?
    • Anonymous
      How di i search for indylas questions?
    • Anonymous
      Indira passed away in July 2014.
    • Anonymous
      If you recall, we had Kells as a common friend.
    • officegirl
      Oh hi! As yet there is no mechanism. on the site that allows private messaging. Although I understand that is coming. Meanwhile some of us I guess who are used to putting our private personal lives out there are carrying on what would have been private chatting in public in our answers and comments. At this point not many people on this site to read them - which is both good and bad, Yes you mentioned about Indira's death before which I was sorry to hear about as she was in many respects like me. Again no mechanism to search for a particular person's questions but some of her question I answered which I had previously answered only they had censored and deleted my previous answers! Which finally became so discouraging to me I did not want to continue. I know that some of what I am interested in and write about is not what some people want to read. A lot of personal experiences. But I tried to do it honestly and truthfully and with dignity. Thank you. (This site does not as yet allow us to write in paragraphs) I felt you stopped chatting because I was being too impractical for your situation. Which is - growing up as I did in a different time and different country. I have always loved the attention of men because they make me feel good and worthwhile and more attractive than I know I really am. I was able to work well enough I got and have kept a very good corporate position and just by being myself a very good husband though I was 53 by then. We are doing mostly well and are best friends and share most things though I would wish my husband were more interested in sex with me. We do see others but I have had no grand passions in my life for two years and the best sex for me is with Gerry - but sometimes he has to be more inspired to take an interest in me that way when he knows I am seeing someone else. We are married forever and neither one of us would ever, as far as I can see, change that, but is just about negotiating feelings within our lives together. Kendra married her long-time boyfriend, which I think you know, and they have a small boy. Marlene has become very successful working for her mom and stepdad in their real estate business. Very good to see you are still with us and to hear from you! Are you still working for that company?
    • Anonymous
      Hello, D. It's so nice to hear from you again, and at length as you always used to write. Life has moved on a bit. Suresh and I are no longer a couple; we separated about a week or so ago. He behaved very obnoxiously with me, as well as my parents, and I cannot stand such conduct. I'm single again after three years, and i have mixed feelings about it. To begin with I'm already 45, and up till recently sexually active, and now i feel an emptiness both physical as well as emotional. I share a very good chemistry with a co-director and we have spent a night together; but though he is separated from his wife, he is still technically married. Sexual freedom is looked down upon in my community, but sex with a committed partner is condoned to some extent, albeit grudgingly, which means i have to somehow learn to suppress certain urges and desires. It's difficult, and i'm quite upset and frustrated. You're wrong in saying i stopped chatting; it was Abag which cut us off by suddenly going off on a December day two years or so ago. I learnt so much from you, especially about the different perspectives our two societies viewed certain important issues. I'm on Answermug at present, but the moment i see restoration of certain features like private messaging, I shall come to this site more often. I must tell you Kells and I had a torrid night a few months ago; in a moment of weakness he forgot his high moral principled stand and succumbed to the animal within him. Yes, I remember you told me about Kendra's wedding, and Marlene's natural flair for the family business. I do remember you telling me Kendra had expressed a desire to be closer to you physically, which, being her stepmother you thought was inappropriate to encourage. I'm still with the fashion house and doing quite well. It's so nice to be with you again, and I wish we could resume sharing intimacies as we used to. However, I cannot bring myself to do that in a public forum despite there being very few people to read them. Perhaps, if it's okay with you, we could share email addresses for our correspondence. A private email address, perhaps for just the two of us can be created. I mentioned meeting you to ells, and he told me he had already responded to one of your questions. He sends you his love and good wishes. Are you still indulging in lunch-hour escort work? Oh it was so good to share these things! Wish those days would come again.
    • officegirl
      Well I did not ask because I was not sure you cared to discuss anything more personal this publicly. Certainly obnoxious behavior, both personally and socially, does not make for any bonding and I am always quite surprised and wonder what the reasons are anyone would choose to be obnoxious in such situations. Many years ago I too was in such a relationship and took a couple of years for me to realize what he was expressing y such behavior was his contempt for society in general as well as for me specifically. I do think we quite naturally do suppress certain urges when we deem them to be inappropriate for our effectiveness in certain situations and part of maturing is learning when they are inappropriate. I left AB at the beginning of November a year and a half ago which was four to six weeks before they shut it down except for private messaging with friends. . My memory is that we had stopped talking by then which perhaps is incorrect. I did feel frustrated in not being able to be more helpful to you in your situation. You were so reaching out for love that I felt you were to some extent selling yourself short by looking for it in less than ideal places. Thank you for your appreciation - I guess I thought you were more annoyed by me than anything. I did not go on Answermug (though I thought about it) because of the negativity of some of the people on there. And actually, except for a few friends on AB , you included, I did not miss the site at all the next year. I became too personally involved. I was quite surprised at the intensity of your feelings for Kells when you first told me of them and how protective you were of him. I have the greatest respect for him and I learned so much from him and enjoyed our correspondence the main part of which lasted perhaps less than a year in 2010 and 2011. He was willing to discuss music and poetry and art with me which I enjoyed very much . But I never had the kind of feelings for him you have. Yes I did think Kells had answered one of my questions on the new AB but some of his older ones I think were recycled as well. But was not positive but guess it was him. We should eventually be able to send private messages on here. My husband and I share a home e mail and I a protective of our privacy. I let the e mail address I had when I was single go. The only other e mails I use are here at work and not for personal use outside of that. Perhaps we can come up with something. I stopped working as an escort after my husband had his accident almost exactly four years ago. And really by that point it had dwindled to one or two regular clients after the spring and summer of 2012. I guess I used it to feel desirable and good about myself which has informed so much of my behavior all my life. Was mostly an indulgence of sorts and Gerry was ever concerned for my safety. Though I never had any problems of that kind it got to the point I felt it was wrong for me to be feeling pleasure with them while my husband was in the hospital and home convalescing from an accident which could have cost him his life. I am very married though sometimes I guess the way I write it may seem I am not. I am a homemaker with a home of my own (our own) and very devoted to my husband in spite of the fact I do sometimes see other men a few hours a week. I stopped looking for men after I met my husband and it has been just people who happened along within the context of my life since then. And how many 59 yr old escorts do you know? I look more now like someone's grandmother., am not beautiful and never was though some men still are interested in me. Oh thank you Neelie and best wishes to Kells from me. D.

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