Dad was double dipping
No, Thriftymaid, that is not the correct answer. -
we are dough
Might be...... -
@We are dough: You beat it. Get off my post and don't darken my doorstep with your presence again.
They weren't sisters to each other. Different parents. 12/21
Wrong again. -
we are dough
So negative all the time.....
The sign of Capricorn begins just before Christmas and goes up to January 20th. Could it be the sisters you know are Capricorns, one born in early January and the other in late December of the same year? That's almost a year between them.
Correct, Murgatroyd. The elder sister was born on January 8th 1977 (it was her 40th birthday today) and the younger sister was born on December 30th 1977. A total of 356 days between them, just nine days short of a full year, and of course they are both Capricorns. -
I knew it had to be something like that. Capricorn is the only sign they could have been born under. One of my former neighbours had her two children closer together than that (323 days, in fact), so a 356-day gap between the sisters you refer to is not all that unusual. -
323 days is unusually close together for two siblings. I don't personally know any who were born closer together than the ones I referred to in this question.
One was born very early in January, the second very late in December of the same year. Just about possible, but poor Mum!
Correct, Deety. One was born on January 8th 1977 (it was her 40th birthday today) and the other was born on December 30th 1977. Not quite a full year between them. I've known them both for a long time, the younger sister was in my class in school. There are plenty of mothers round here who have their children close together and cope with it remarkably well.
One was born very early in January, the second very late in December of the same year. Just about possible, but poor Mum!
Alien intervention....?
Wrong. Murgatroyd and Deety got the correct answer. -
we are dough
What did they win....? -
Nothing yet, but they will receive Asker's Picks when that feature is reinstated. -
we are dough
Won't Asker mind....? -
It is supposed to be an honour for the answerer to receive an Asker's Pick. Don't you remember that from the old Answerbag?
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