• The two are separate offenses, equally horrible and not comparable to each other.
  • i think both are a deep violation of trust and both can hurt/destroy an entire life. in a way they are a bit the same, but on the other hand, with a rape there is no consent of sex, while in the other case there is. (although there is not for the purpose of it of course) i hate to say it, but using contraceptives is not only the womens responsability, so unless the woman punced a hole in the condom its also a bit the mans responsability.
  • Rape is non-consensual intercourse where pregnancy may or may not occur. It is a violent offense that is about control. A woman getting pregnant without the man's consent is different than raping him. The sex is consentual, but the fact that she is purposefully trying to get pregnant when he does not want to is deceitful. A deceitful act is different than a violent rape. Apples and Oranges. Both have long lasting consequences, but rape effects a person emotionally (and sometimes physically) for an undetermined amount of time. An unexpected pregnancy results in a minimum of 18 years of obligation but can also result in many years of joyous experiences with that child growing up. Nobody who has been raped has looked back and said... "That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... I'm kinda glad it happened."
  • I think they are very different crimes, though both are horrible things to do. The crime against the woman is the invasion -- the physical control the man exerts over her. The effects of the act include humiliation, fear of men in general, and difficulty trusting. If the woman was married, it likely will affect her relationship with her husband. While a woman getting pregnant on purpose could also be an issue of control, it's not physical; it's psychological. It is also a life change, because the man now has a financial responsibility to the child and the mother. It may leave him with distrust of women as well, but it's less likely to produce a comparable fear. What an interesting question!
  • Of course it's different! Sheesh. First of all, a woman can TRY to get pregnant, but there's no guarantee that it's going to happen. She can stop using her birth control or whatever, which WILL increase her chances of becoming pregnant, but she can't ACTIVELY do anything else to help it along. It's entirely out of her hands after that. It's not a violent act, and it doesn't really hurt anyone. A man raping a woman is a deliberate act of violence designed to hurt a woman. He's actively in control of the situation. It's not like he's just "trying" to rape her. A woman doesn't need a man's "permission" to become pregnant. Women get pregnant even ON birth control. It's not something you can control AT ALL. A man, however, does need a woman's permission to have intercourse with her.
  • The are completely seperate things. You cannot control if you get pregnant or not. Nothing is 100% unless you're abstinent, sterile or had surgery to not have kids (vasectomy or tubal ligation). Condoms, BC, none of the protection is 100%. And as far as consent goes- it's not like you sign a waver before the little sperms can fertilize the egg. Sometimes these things just happen. Raping someone is a violent crime. Rape is nothing at all, in any way, shape or form like getting pregnant.
  • Very different. Rape is a violent act.
  • While the two are seperate issues based on their own charicteristics, whenever a woman decieves a man and "traps" him purposefully by getting pregnant it is a horrible thing to do. If the man was told she was "on the pill" and she was lying that is unforgivable. Especially if she then keeps her "condition" a secret until about 3 months go by before telling the poor fool. Then he is backed against the wall to either marry the bitch or be considered a deadbeat. Bottom line, the woman who do this are the lowest scum on earth. They are altering and stealing away the lifepath originally intended for both themselves, the man, and any children that guy was supposed to have with the woman he chose later in life to be the mother of his children. Taking that choice away from a man is the worst sin imaginable. I dont think a man should EVER marry a woman just because she is pregnant , especially if he was not wanting it to be. Unhappy mariges do not make happy families. So men, DONT TRUST THE BITCH!! Take your own precautions and keep your unborn children's destiny alive !
  • While the two are seperate issues based on their own charicteristics, whenever a woman devievews a man and "trpas" him purposefully by getting pregnant it is a horrible thing to do. The man was told she was "on the pill" and she was lying is iunforgivable. Especially if she then keeps her "condition" a secret until about 3 months go by before telling the poor fool. Then he is backed against the wall to either marry the bitch or be considered a deadbeat. Bottom line , the wowmn who do this are the lowest scum on earth. They are altering and stealing away the lifepath origianlly intended for both themselves, the man, and any children that guy was supposed to have with the woman he chose later in life to be the mother of his children. Taking that choice away from a man is unforgivable. I dont think a man should ever marry a woman just becasue she is pregnant , especially if he was not wanting it to be. Unhappy mariges do not make happy families. So men, DONT TRUST THE BITCH!! Take your own precautions and keep your unborn childrens destiny alive !
  • People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Rape is in no way the victim's choice; consensual sex is. Any adult knows that there is ALWAYS a possibility of sex resulting in pregnancy. You can reduce this possibility by protecting yourself (not relying on your partner to do so for you). Even then- sex can result in pregnancy. There is no way to be TRAPPED into an unplanned pregnancy unless you had NO IDEA you were having sex while it was happening (and quite frankly, if you had no idea you were having sex while it was happening- that was probably some form of rape).
  • Asking this question demonstrates that you are in need of counselling about the most basic understanding of human interaction. I believe the term 'clueless,' would overstate your level of comprehension. Rape is a violent & henious crime. A man consents for a woman to become pregnant by having sex with her without contraception. There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever, and to suggest that there is reveals you as tragically uninformed, at best.
  • I can see where you are coming from on this issue. Setting aside the violence of rape, which cannot really be compared with any other crime, what you seem to be talking about is the similarity between taking something precious from the woman through the violent act of rape, and taking something precious from the man through the consensual act of sex. Although as many contributers have pointed out, the violence and power aspect of the rape cannot be compared with the consensual act of sex, I think the crux of this issue is the theft of something deeply personal - in both cases, there is a power issue (the power of a rape situation compared with the power exercised by the woman in the deliberate pregnancy issue). I do not think the two can be compared, but you highlight an interesting point in that a man may feel violated if his sperm is deliberately and secretively stolen, and a new life created with it. Again, as other contributers have said, the man had the opportunity to prevent this act, by continuing to use condoms, however, what has also been stolen from him in this case is trust, stolen by a woman for whom he presumably had feelings - strong enough feelings to ditch the condoms for. Against his will, he then has to recognise that he will be the father of a child, half his genes, half those of this woman betrayed him, and that the child, the innocent player in this game, will be brought up either without a father, or with a trapped father for the rest of his life. There is no comparison between the rape and the pregnancy, but in the case of the pregnancy, the man, if he has any morals at all, also has to deal with the repercussions for the rest of his life.
  • Unless the woman harvested his sperm somehow, he consented when he had sex.
  • are you serious? Any time you stick your penis in a woman there is a chance she can get pregnant, so taking that chance is implied consent. If you can equate rape to the consequences of voluntary sex, you have some serious issues
  • I agree with both sides, but things like this really only apply to special cases. A perfect example is men that use condoms to prevent pregnancy, but a woman taking the condom out of the trash and using a turkey baster or other means to get the semen out of the condom and into her vagina. It sounds crazy but it has happend a number of times. This is the only way I can think of this being the same as 'rape'. But other than that it is still consenting sex and isn't the same as rape.
  • Turkey baster pregnancies? That is nasty on lots of levels. sheesh.
  • If a man does not want the responsibility that may result from an unwanted pregnancy, he has the responsibility to wear a condom. A rape victim is not afforded such a luxury when confronted with the situation you describe.
  • Well, you're going to get a wide range of answers for a question like this. Now some will say that the man consents to the pregnancy if he consents to unprotected sex, and that is a commonsense answer. However, there are those egalitarian folks who inadvertently have made this man a rape victim in the following way: They say that consenting to sex because of emotional or financial pressure isn't really consenting at all. They also say that if one consents to sex (as a result of the above listed pressures)which one does not really want because of the sexual position, the use (or not) of contraception, or any other "conditional" aspect of the encounter, it is rape. Of course, those who say this sort of thing are (usually) shortsightedly thinking it should only apply to the woman-as-victim scenario. How many men have been put under emotional pressure to "make me pregnant"? I know it's happened to me. I know what it feels like to have her get me to the point where "you've just gotta have it", only to have her tell me that this isn't happening until/unless I "take that thing off". Now, I remind you, that under that circumstance, I'm being asked to participate in a sexual act under a condition which makes me uncomfortable. If I comply, am I being raped? If I don't comply and have sex anyway, is she being raped? Double edged sword here, so be careful about how you'll throw me under the bus of expediency. Well comfort yourselves, because I would take one of two options at that point. 1) Comply or 2)remove the offending sheath and say goodnight. Option two would invariably lead to me enduring two hours of sobbing. If I then comply, under such emotional pressure, am I being raped? Under the modern feminist definition of what constitutes rape, I was raped under every circumstance in which I complied. Do I call any of this "rape"? Of course not! It's a disagreement about family planning, and that's all it is. Now how did I feel about being treated this way? I always felt as if my opinion in the matter of how many children we should have and when we should have them was completely disregarded. I felt as if I had no autonomy-as if I lived and had my being only by her permission. Sex was going to happen or she'd emotionally punish me. Of course, however, only sex that would yield a child was satisfactory. When she was pregnant with our last child, I felt so angry and helpless that I abstained from any sort of physical contact with her for most of the pregnancy, and for quite a while afterward. I threatened to get a vasectomy-something that I expressed interest in doing years earlier, only to have her threaten to "cut me off" if I dared. It still bugs me now, many years later. Betcha can tell. While it bugs me, there's nothing I can do about it now. My abstension from sex convinced her to have her tubes tied, so I guess I managed to inadvertently convey the urgency of my feelings in the matter. The child that resulted is much loved, so there is no concern there. Bottom line? Don't use someone and then try to rationalize the behavior by saying that you know more about life.
  • It's called a condom. You can't purposely get pregnant if the man wears a condom. Rape is not consensual.
  • Both are despicable but rape is far worse. In the case of the woman getting pregnant, the guy should have been more careful. He had a choice. A rape is violent, physical action toward another. Like I said, both are despicable but rape is far worse.
  • Rape is taking away her choice to have sex, with whom, and under what circumstances. It can put her in physical immediate danger, danger of diseases, and of unwanted pregnancy. It usually has a profound negative emotional effect that can mean ruining her studies or work habits - meaning a lifelong decline in living standards, self esteem etc. And rape can be very a very violent act that has all the above effects plus injuring or killing her. If the man never knows about the pregnancy or baby all he's had is a (presumably) agreeable session in the sack. If she tries to "trap" him into marriage or child support it is an inexcusable thing, true enough, and it can leave him emotionally troubled and with LIMITED choices but in now way does it approach a rape. +5
  • They are both bad , but Im gonna go ahead and say that they are WAAYYYY different and rape by far is so very much worse . No fuckin contest .
  • At least the guy got the sex he wanted,the woman wanted none of being raped.
  • these are two different things . rape may happen both before and after marriage. So in this, woman and his family suffer if the woman is unmarried. Whereas if she is married and raped by the person other than her husband, than she has to bear the brunt of both the society and sometimes her husband also. But getting pregnant on purpose create tension between man and woman and in this case it is with the will of the woman . So it is less severe than being raped . Because it is done conscientiously on the part of woman .
  • One is a crime, the other is just the woman being a bitch. It should be a crime for a woman to intentionally get pregnant without the man's consent. Reverse rape or something.
  • I think a woman who gets pregnant without the mans consent, through deception or lying about taking contraception is committing a grave offense on par with rape. It is taking away the mans decision in the matter, and forcing on him an 18 year or so commitment to bring up a child. In each case (rape , pregnancy without consent) there is the taking of something without the others consent. In both cases something is forced upon the other without consent. Thus they must be seen as similar.
  • Rape is a crime against another human being. It doesn't matter if she gets pregnant or not, it's still a violent crime. As for a woman getting pregnant on purpose without her partners consent, it is despicable but not comparable. He had a choice in the matter and was not forced to do anything he did not want to. Each and every time you have sex it could possibly lead to pregnancy unless the woman has had a complete hysterectomy. The man and woman both know going into sex that there is always a chance that a baby could be made and both should be willing to deal with that if it does happen.
  • Yes. Rape is a violent act. With lifelong physical and mental effects. That the person had to choice whatsoever in. -- Pregnant of purpose without the mans consent. Is not voilent and the man does have a choice to or not to have unprotected sex. Meaning without a condom--do not believe that someone is on the pill. Sometimes people truly forget to take. And sometimes they are not aware that some other things may make it uneffective (like antibotics)
  • no it is not.
  • It's not the same situation at all and I don't know why you think it would be.
  • I agree both are wrong but no they are far from the same thing
  • absolutly not, however I think that a woman should not be able to force paternal responsibilities on a man. what makes rape such a violation is that it takes away the persons ability to choose who they have sex with... I will argue that raping a virgin is far worse than raping a slut or someone who has consented to you in the past. not that the latter 2 do not deserve harsh punishment but if you give sex out like candy then it means a hell of a lot less than if you are saving it for someone special and the meaning of sex is what makes it such a violation beyond simple violence.
  • What about the person inserting the syringe into the vagina inserting sperm into the female. that is called rape with foreign object. I read about the case in Houston texas. That city is always has crime up to its ears. You can be surprised what going on in today's world. as far the woman getting pregnant without the man's consent is considered controlling and use as a tool to make the man do what the woman wants despites what the man objective is in his daily routine.
  • You are confused. Anyone who has sex is giving tacit consent to its risks, including pregnancy, emotional manipulation, and STDs, so there can be no such thing as getting pregnant on purpose "without the man's consent".
  • Well, that is a really good question. I think because of the violent nature of rape that it is looked on as worse. But the fact is both acts are doing something that has not been consented to. And can change someones life in an catastrophic way... I dont know if i believe one is worse than the other, but it is obvious they are both horrible.
  • Both are a form of emotional torture. In raping a woman it is emotional torture for woman. and if a woman gets pregnant without the consent of man. than it is emotional torture for the man who find himself responsible for that woman.
  • Raping a woman is a violent crime. Getting pregnant on purpose is immoral and could actually fall under false pretenses.
  • Rape is a violent illegal crime driven by the need to overpower and subdue. The rape victim suffers emotional and mental damage afterward beyond the physical aspects but can usually go on to a normal life after time. A woman "trapping" a man into fatherhood is ethically immoral and exposes the type of person she is (deceitful and manipulative) but the man suffers the LIFELONG consequence of being responsible for a child he never bargained for and is tied to this horrid woman for the rest of his life as well. Both are unforgivable moral crimes against nature and life of another.
  • Rape is a violent crime. The victim has no choice or control. If a man doesn't want to be a father, he can always abstain, use a condom, or have his tubes tied. He is in complete control of this situation.
  • Well, to answer the question literally, yes...haha. However, morally both are wrong, and neither is better than the other. Both affect lives greatly and both are deceitful, however a woman getting pregnant without the man's consent is like raping his life, in a way. She is taking part of him away. Just as when a man rapes a woman, he takes a part of her with him. Unfortunately for both scenarios, the women get the 'get out of jail free' card because they are women. A man rapes a woman, the chances of him going to jail are higher than not. If a woman gets pregnant without the man's consent, it's his child and there is no solid proof against it therefore he is stuck with a child he may not want and now owes money he may not have. In a twisted way, both of them are incredibly emotionally hurtful in a very similar way; one is rape- making the decision to violate someone's sexuality and the other is a choice a woman makes- thus violating the man's future in a way he does not expect. Both are non-consensual, both are things that will remain in their memories for the rest of their lives in a scarring way. The woman will be left to wonder what her life would have been like if she had not been raped, while the man would be left to wonder what his life would be like without a child he may not have been ready for. This is a difficult question... :)
  • Yes, it's a whole world of difference. When a man has sex with a woman he should know that there is ALWAYS the possibility of her getting pregnant. If you're not willing to take that responsibility then don't do it.
  • I kind of agree with this. If a woman gets pregnant without the man's consent, she can then sue him for child support when the baby is born. As they say, it's her body, and so she can choose to have an abortion or not, but HE nas no choice in the matter. She can, for all intent, decide all on her own to make him her slave for the next 18 years.
  • They are both bad. You shouldn't do either one. But there is a difference. Rape is an attack, and creates a feeling of powerlessness and fear. It is a violation of a woman's or child's body. The victim has no control over the event. They are overpowered or coerced through fear and they can't stop it. The other is a responsibility that you didn't anticipate. However, you do have control over it. If you keep it in your pants, she can't conceive without you. If you use a condom, she isn't going to get pregnant either.
  • There is nothing here to compare. A rape is an act of violence. A woman who gets pregnant on purpose has deceived you. It's past time for men to take precautions about unwanted pregnancy. And no, there is no such thing as perfect timing.
  • I think that they are both very wrong, but I do think that they are different. A woman has something taken from her completely against her control, whereas in this situation, the guy should know that if he has sex, there is a chance of her getting pregnant. Also, while both are emotionally scarring, it seems to me that being raped is much more emotionally scarring.
  • Everyone will probably hate me because I disagree with the politically correct answers. It's true that rape and deceitfulness are two different things BUT there is also a very fine line. Obviously rape is forcefullness on the woman and the nonconsent of sex. Where they are the same is the deceitfullness of the female and the nonconsent to start a family. Either way they are both just plain wrong. However, in the end it takes two to conceive and it's always the man's fault so wrap it up and force birth control down her throat. If she won't take it then ditch the bitch. Do this and you will have a much better chance at not starting a family too soon.
  • Sure is...according to the law, its illegal to rape a woman while the other could either be a matter of negligence or deliberate deceit but still legal. Considering how each changes the life and attitude of the other is irrelevant since it doesn't affect the law.
  • It is absolutely different. If the man wants to make absolutely sure the woman doesn't get pregnant, he can always bring his own condom to the festivities.
  • Rape = a violent and traumatic sexual attack on a woman (or sometimes man) which really has little or nothing to do with sex or desire, and everything to do with power and domination. A woman getting pregnant without a man's consent = too bad, the man consented as soon as he didn't use birth control. Sure, a man having to take care of a child is a big deal and life altering, but you CANNOT compare that to the trauma and damage that a woman suffers when she is raped.
  • On a direct line, rape is forcing someone into sex that they have not consented to. Indirectly some also say that consenting to sex under certain conditions also counts as rape. either way, rape hurts the victim in quite a few ways and sometimes scars them for life. As with the possible injury to any children born of this union. I am assuming that pregnant on purpose means a woman who tampers with birth control methods and/or refuses to have sex with her husband/s.o. unless he agrees to not use any birth control. It would be a different set of injuries sustained by the victim. And it shares an aspect with rape that a child born of the union may be hurt by certain attitudes of one or both parents afterward. I got a vasectomy because I never wanted kids. And i get checked every few months to see if by it has not reversed itself. I still use condoms religiously for std's and would even do so if i could find a woman who was faithful. Unless she had a hysterectomy and then that would guarantee to a 99% certainty no children.

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