• Friendship that is built upon musical taste is whimsical and probably short lasting.
  • If my friends had a problem with the things I like then they shouldnt be my friend. Friends accept other friends they way that they are, otherwise why would you be friends with them? I had some friends who made fun of the shows I like and a few of the bands that I like. Needless to say we dont see each other anymore, and not so much because they didnt like them, but that I couldnt go around them without getting made fun of.
  • I don't think you should change things just because others don't like them, unless they are habits or attitudes that are negative. Music, however, is something that will always be yours. To be a good friend might be to listen to their music sometimes, just as they should listen to yours sometimes, but there is no reason to change music completely. What everyone needs to do is to learn to appreciate a variety of styles. I am a singer. I sing everything from the 40s to the present, depending on who my audience is. My daughter is also a singer, and her repertoire is wide. There are some of my era stuff she does not like, but she has a general appreciation for the best of it, just as I have a general appreciation for the best of the present day.
  • No , no-one should critisise anyone's taste in music as at the end of the day it's what they like listening to. Never bow to peer pressure because you're leading a partly false existence.
  • No of course not. My friends think that Heavy Metal is Satan music but I think not. It is just music nothing to do with the devil. Yeah sure they scream but I only listen to the guitar solos. That is what makes a song interesting. All of my friends are into reggeton, which I think it is very boring!! I never liked it and I never will. It has a beat and guys are just rap in Spanish. It is Stupid!! Some Artist say the same thing over and over again!! Do you think I would change my music for THAT!!
  • no way!! my friends don't like the music i listen to, but i try listen to their music, some of it i like, some of it i don't. i liten to my friends music so i know what they are talking about sometimes. my friends also try listen to some of my music and they like some and they hate some. neither of us change our musical tastes, we try to broaden them by listening to each others music as well as our own.
  • No, I would be open to listening to their favorite music; but, I wouldn't change my tastes just to suit them. Music is very personal to me; and, I can't give up my favorite songs just to please another person, no matter how much they mean to me.
  • YOU MUST LIKE LOUD MUSIC! WITH ALL THIS SHOUTING. I wouldn't change my favorite tyoe of music just for them. But I may become more interested in the other genre because I would hear it more often. Plus if they tried to convert me (lol) I wouldn't consider them much of friends for hating me because of my music choices.
  • If they didn't like my music I wouldn't play it around them unless they said it was okay. If I could tolerate their music and it wasn't too bad, I'd play it for them if they wanted tunes. But I'm not changing my preferences just for them. I can listen to my music when I'm by myself or when I do find someone who likes it. However I wouldn't play something just for them if I found it offensive or hurt my ears or something like that.
  • I have many friends that became my friend because of music. If I had not been true to my self and changed who I was or what I liked, I wouldn't have found any true friends. If they are already your friend and your music taste is going in different directions, share and broaden your experience. Your real friends will listen and respect your choices.
  • James, that is some crazy non-sense, right there. Why change? If they don't like your music, so be it. If they're really your friends, then your "type" of music is not going to matter, anyway. I'm going to say 85% of my friends absolutely cannot stand most of the music I listen to. I'm also going to say that I hate about 97% of what THEY listen to. It's awesome to have a friend that shares your taste in music, but it's not necessary to adapt to their tastes if they don't agree with yours. You don't need to suit your friends. You shouldn't be an accessory to them, you should just be who you are, and if they don't like it, it's their loss.
  • No, if they're real friends, they wont care what you listen to. Silly things like music and clothes help weed out the people who are ignorant and can't concept the idea of an individual.
  • hey at all.i would listen and enjoy the music that i like but maybe not listen with them.
  • No, You cannot force yourself to like different sounds and why should you. Variety is as useful in friendship as in life.
  • Hell no. Nobody listens to what I listen to. They may have a band or two that I listen to as well, but my listening tastes are unique.
  • Never, ever do this. Music is a personal taste, just as your own favorite color, food, etc. It's a part of you; a part of your personality. If a person doesn't want to be friends with you due to this, then let them go. However, do try to be open minded, and listen to as much music as you can, even if it's not your "type" of music. You can learn a lot from that.
  • Of course not. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and to their own taste in music, food, clothing, etc. If your friends are giving you a hard time about your taste in music, they are not your friends hon.
  • My taste in music is quite varied, but I would never judge someone on their choice of music, and if they were a true friend, they would not judge me either.
  • No, but I do like lots of music so it shoul never be a problem
  • If they don't like Beethoven, they can kiss my ass.
  • No dice. You wanna roll with me, you can listen to my tunes.
  • Heck no. I would listen to it with them because they are the majority, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
  • No way!!!! Let them play the music they like!! I know lots of people who like heavy metal(like Slipknot) but I dont, I like classical. Let no one influence your ideas on music
  • No way, we're all entitled to our own likes, dislikes, preferences and friends respect that, if they don't they're not true friends!!...I think when I first joined answerbag you were ONE of the AB'yers that told me to not type in capitals!!! Hay ho, it's not a problem with me though, it hasn't annoyed me!! ;@)
  • Depends on who's driving! If I'm driving, I listen to what I like!! I like what I like and don't care if anyone else likes it. I'm not going to pretend to like something to "fit in". That's horrible.
  • Heck no. In fact, it's kind of a rule whenever a bunch of us get together, that the host chooses the music, unless someone does something REALLY awesome. Music privileges can be acquired by paying for the pizza and/or bringing the drinks, or delivering a solid knockout-punch to someone who REALLY deserved it. Stuff like that.
  • No,of course not.Your friends should like you no matter what type of music you listen to.
  • Why would I change?! I don't want to be like everybody else!! Plus I happen to like my genre of music, it separates me as an individual.
  • Since I like all kinds of music, I share new stuff with my friends..
  • No... BUT, I used to be into light rock/pop only. My friend was into what at the time was "heavier" - like Led Zep. I always DID like SOME of their songs, so it didn't bother me, but over time, I grew to like ALL types of music (even SOME rap). About the only type I DON'T like at all, now, is called (I think) Speed Metal or Thrash Music(?). NOTE: I have always been lyrically oriented, but now I love some songs for the music only, even if I can't stand the lyrics.
  • no i wouldn't
  • no way.nearly all my friends don't like the music i like but it doesn't change anything.we can usually find a comprimise when we are together.
  • No, why? I would rather try to convince my friends.
  • No, one has to do what one likes, it is a form of expression, nobody should change just to fit in a group
  • no, id just try to be more open minded about theres and id hope theyd be the same about mine
  • no. why on earth would you do that? you gotta decide what makes its way into your brain. not them.
  • No. I do like some different genres of music tham most of my friends enjoy.
  • deffo not!! my friends like 'normal' music like indie nd stuff like that but i barely listen to anything, im a 'freak' who plays classical music on classical instruments but my friends have go over that so now im just me :)
  • Of course not. I will try some combos. For example, I play in a band and the genre is: Indie/Grunge/Rock/Pop/Metalcore. Now you decide how it sounds.
  • No, that would be out of the question, but my friends like my music in real life and I like theirs even though we have totally different favorites.
  • ummm no!! I cant stand alot of the music my friends listen to and we've been friends for years. we show each other music of our own styles and sometimes they like it and sometimes they dont

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