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  • It is wrong. Regardless if you find your soulmate or not, you had an affair. Ask yourself this... do you believe your situation justifies having an affair?
  • Yes. You made a commitment.
  • Yes, it is wrong. It is cheating, deceitful, hurtful, etc. If you are unhappy in your marriage, fix it, or get out of it. Don't cheat.
  • Yes. Your partner deserves respect, and if you no longer feel like you can be with this person, then what you should have done, is discussed this openly with your partner, and ended the relationship. What you've done is cowardly, and likely because you fear the consequences of having to tell someone that it's over. I realize that it's hard, but having someone cheat on you is alot harder on both of you. My advice is to get out of your marriage. Take a deep breath, come clean with your partner, and re-evaluate your wants and needs before getting into a serious relationship again. That way, you can avoid having to go through this a second time.
  • Um...yes. Let me just say this: I would much rather my husband ended our marriage if he was unhappy with me and/or he wanted to go out and have sex with other women. I would rather get a divorce than he cheat; cheating is the biggest slap in the face and the ultimate disrespect in a relationship. Shame on you.
  • not only is it wrong as far as your present marriage is concerned,but you have seriously sabotaged your next relationship as well by doing both you and your girl friend have proven that marriage vows mean nothing to either of much trust are you going to have for each other after having done this?
  • Nope, it most certainly is not wrong. At least, in my particular case it wasn't wrong, because I married the wrong person the first time around. My "amazing woman with whom I shared tons of common interests" became my second wife, and we have been married for 8 years come this September.
  • I think it is because you cheated. If you no longer feel like you are in love with your wife, end it, don't make the common mistake that most people make of having a relationship outside the marriage. That's terrible!
  • Get divorced FIRST. Don't be a cheat.
  • You committed to your current wife, and things are supposed to be for better or worse, not "for better and when things get worse, look for something better." It's adultery, and it's wrong.
  • Cheating is wrong regardless of the situation. If an individual is unhappy in their marriage. They should end it.
  • If you make love/have sex with anyone other than your spouse, unless agreed upon mutually (Threesomes, etc) that is wrong. No question about it. It is 100% wrong.
  • sounds to me like you should man up and divorce your wife. cheating on her isnt doing either of you any good. show her the respect you promised when you got married, and end the relationship without cheating. then pursue the new woman.
  • It is wrong. If you're not happy-end it or sort it out.
  • Yes, it's cheating. FInish one relationship before going on to another. Don't break hearts or make promises youcan't or won't keep. One lover at a time. Give yourself completely to just one. Don't be divided in your loyalties.
  • Not only is it morally wrong, its ILLEGAL.
  • If you know that you are in a marriage that doesn't satisfy you, common sense says you should leave. *Then* have fun with the other woman.
  • It is cheating, no matter what the justification, unless you have specifically agreed an open marriage / relationship and the new person is fully aware of the situation and is happy with it.
  • So, there are never circumstances in which "cheating" can be condoned? I suppose then, that platonic friendships of a deep and intimate nature are also forbidden? Should I be glad that my library contains only one book? I get the feeling that A/B is an arm of some puritanical church that knows with certainty the sole and only right way.
  • Of course it's wrong. If your marriage was that lousy, then get a divorce. You took VOWS to be faithful to your wife for as long as she's your wife. you either honor those vows, or get out of the marriage.
  • Yes its wrong..if you dont want to be with the wife divorce her, dont cheat.
  • That depends entirely on how your current wife would feel about the situation. If she doesn't know and wouldn't like it, you know damned well it's wrong, you don't need us to tell you that. If she's happy that you found something that interests you, no, it is not worng.
  • you made a vow of faith to your wife and breaking that vow is wrong. be a big person and tell her what's up with all the problems and how you're feeling like acting (ie: cheating) you may be surprised at the outcome. even if you aren't, everything is on the table and it is better that way. good luck!!!
  • There are many good reasons to keep families together and not to get a divorce. Children is only one of the possible reasons... There is nothing wrong with a man (or a woman) having a close friend and sleeping with him or her. Man wasn't made to mate for life. We're not pigeons.
  • "a·dul·ter·y Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse." Hey all! I've left this alone all weekend...but....I just wanted to point can't commit adultery if you're not married. Cheating on a boyfriend is NOT adultery. Wrong, but that's not the correct word for it.
  • Does your wife agree with your logic? Would it be oka for her to have sex with a man she found more amazing than you? A ton of indifference doesn't build up over night. Get some councelling. You might not be able to save your marriage but at least you can say you acted with integrity.
  • Yes it is wrong. Of course we can also wrong that you are in an indifferent marriage, however you choose to remain in it for some purpose (be it kids, finances, comfort, security or just because you do not know any better). If you are tired of the marriage, or so bored with it or simply just want sex with other people then it is time for a divorce. However I remind that relationships need work in order for them to work. Indifference is a two way street, and, unfortunately, once we step away from monogamy and fidelity we also step away from many of the other conventions of marriage and do even less work to make it work. Irregardless of how indifferent your spousal unit is, it is still unfair to hurt them because you loved them once upon a time. Extra marital affairs are betrayals, are little packets of mistrust and are more harmful than divorce. Although divorce is never pretty and never easy, it is the less harmful of the two. besides once you are free you can pursue a deeper, more meaningful relationship with this second person and perhaps enjoy yet another marriage.
  • Cheating on your spouse, is alway's wrong!
  • Best of both worlds huh? In the long run, you will be hurt. Leave your wife or work on the marriage. The choice is yours'
  • I think the only way to determine whether something is "right" or "wrong" is to take a look at the laws where you live. Can you get arrested for what you have done? If you can answer "yes" to that question then it is obviously "wrong". If there is no written law against it, then it is not "wrong"...LEGALLY. But everyone has a "moral" right and wrong indicator within them. What one person might find wrong, another won't. In the state in which I live, if you are married, it is legally wrong to engage in a sex act with someone to whom you are not married. Adultry (the act of having sexual intercourse with someone other than your legal spouse) is grounds for doesn't matter why you had sex. It doesn't even matter if one partner gave their is illegal and a good lawyer can get your butt nailed to the wall for it happening. Having sex with a prostitute is against the law in the majority of the states (but not all) and it doesn't make any difference whether you are married or single! So "paying" for sex is "wrong" too. I think the correct word for what I'm saying is actually "illegal" but most people interchange the two - wrong/illegal. If it's not "wrong" then how can it be "illegal"? See why it's interchangable? I would like to suggest that if you have found someone else who peaks your interests and the current spouse just doesn't "flip your pancakes" any longer, you should probably just walk away from the first before making the moves on the other. It would be the morally "right" thing to do and it just might keep your butt out of jail if having two sexual partners is found to be illegal where you live.
  • Yes, it is wrong. You've made promises and given your word. If your marriage was/is so horrible, there are ways to address it. If honest attempts to address it fail over time, then you can end the marriage. You have other choices than the one this scenario presents.
  • Without a doubt you were not only wrong, but dishonorable to your marriage and to your faith if you have any.
  • I hate to be the one to say this but... life is short. Rules are made by people and continued by people. Do what makes you happy. Marriage is complicated. You probably shouldn't be in one. Do what makes you happy. Kids and spouses can deal. Detaching one's self is an admirable quality. Be with someone you love. What people don't like is someone who loves anyone who comes along their path. They ditch the last person for the next person. That's how it usually goes. O well. It's your life.
  • The part that your married to another woman is whats wrong, you must of thought she was an amazing woman once to marry her. And the thing that makes it so wrong is that she probably was sitting at home waiting for you when you did what you did. As already said, life is short. But leaving your wife is so selfish, your probably the most amazing man to her. Think of who your hurting here, buddy.
  • It's so wrong it makes wrong look right. When you got married you made a promise to your wife "to forsake all others" and "for better, for worse, in good, and in bad times". If you're not willing to work on your marriage so that you don't grow apart then you need to get a divorce. If you can't "forsake all others" be a man and admit it. To do what you are sujesting is to prove yourself to be a man of dishonour and totally untrust worthy to both women. If I was you're new love interest and you sujested this to me I'd run. If your marriage is really so awfull you need to get a divorce before you start your new one. It's only fair to everyone involved. After all a realtionship built on a foundation of lies and deciet is doomed to fail once the new wears off.
  • Yes. The "forsaking all others" part of your vows meant no cheating. The "in good times and in bad" part meant that you need to work to communicate to get through times of indifference and even worse. You made a commitment; a solemn vow. You have broken it and destroyed trust. Everyone operates differently, but if you were my husband, we'd be done. Cheating is a deal-breaker for me. No excuses, and no forgiveness.
  • yea thats wrong
  • yea thats wrong
  • It's adultery no matter how your frame the situation.
  • Justifying doesn't make it right....your an adulterer and goes against your marriage vows. You want out ?...then do it the right way. Then mess around all you want.
  • Untill you end your marriage, it is always wrong.
  • YES IT IS WRONG...........You are cheating and being dishonest and unloyal to your wife. If you feel like your relationship with your wife isnt as good as it needs to be, TALK TO HER ABOUT IT......Maybe try some counseling or something like that. Then if you can't work things out, maybe you should seperate.......But you should DEFINATELY NEVER string someone along like that...If you are starting to fall out of love, and want to explore more things you have to be honest with youself and your wife.....People's feeling are NOTHING to be played with!!
  • Yes it's wrong. You made a life-long commitment to your wife. If there's indifference you helped to create it. If you were with this other women for any length of time I'm sure you'd see indifference there too. She's just fresh. She doesn't know your bad habits or what it's like to meet you half way every day. Why do humans think they can just move on. A mature person would work on the mess they helped make.
  • It's called cheating in my book and since I am sure the other 45 people who answered before me probably already ripped you a new one ove it I will leave my comments as stated above.
  • Ummm.....yes.
  • grow a backbone and leave your wife ,dont cheat on her ,thats just messed up
  • My wife cheated on me while deployed not once not twice but three times it hurts worse every time. I cheated on her while legally separated and decided for my own good not to pursue her until totally divorced. Not only did it make me feel bad but what does that say about me that my bed wasn't cold yet and I'm hopping in the sack with someone else? I was married for 10 years.

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