• canada!!! i'm american and live in the north of ohio, and we LOVE canada! it's so safe, no one locks their doors! people are so polite! it's clean! yay canada!
  • Yeah, I'm canadian, so I have a bias.....but I must say, Canada is a pretty awesome place to live. Hahah some of us DO lock our doors though ;) But, in small towns like the one my mom lives in, they really dont!
  • I live in England, and love my country, I would not move anywhere.
  • I would have to go with Canada on that one. Australia is a beautiful place with beautiful people, but a blade of grass can kill you by poisoning there (not literally). There are a lot of dangerous animals, insects and plants in Australia. Canada is a beautiful country (at least British Columbia) and not as dangerous.
  • I cant speak for England, but I like living in Scotland, for both work environment and living environment. I live on the coast, near a city for facilities, only a short drive from the mountains, great scenery...
  • I live in Canada. I never lock my car or my home. When my children were young they played in the yard and rode their bikes around the neighborhood unescorted. Canada is an extremely safe country.
  • No1 Mariah Carey, based on your comments, it sounds as if your problem is the same as those associated with living in just about any big city. Criminals tend to congregate in the big cities because there are more people to prey upon there. However, if you want a relatively nice place to live with most of the conveniences of the big city, but without the crime rate, then I would recommend Provo, Utah, USA, or one of its suburbs. You have got beautiful scenery, friendly people, and a pretty low crime rate. This is not to say that it is perfect (no place is), but it had an extremely low crime rate for a community its size.
  • I live in Canada, in Ontario, about 4 hours from Toronto. I just would like to point out that you should lock your doors and car(s) at night regardless of what you might think the safeness of the country is. I live in a very small town full of Mennonites, and our neighbours had their car broken into last week. So use caution and don't be stupid. p.s. home of the maple syrup festival
  • I live in Toronto, Ontario and I must say Canada is a pretty awesome place. We have free healthcare (OHIP), friendly people and wonderful places to visit. No place can be 100% safe because we have our crimes and I bet Australia does too. If you don't mind extreme temperatures, Canada is a great place <3
  • Safety? Probably Canada but you have to like the cold in a big way 8 months of it in fact. People? Just lovely. Couldn't find a nicer bunch of people apart from all of the Americans reading this! Very multi-ethnic, more so than England. Taxes? Higher than England. Australia? Warmer weather, nice people, safe, but too far away.
  • If you stay out of the Outback, Australia is considerably safer.
  • Hey, I live in Adelaide, Australia and i would chose Canada over Australia anyday. although the country is beautiful and the people are awesome some people are crazy. road rage is kinda bad and it gets extreamly hot in summer. apart from that its great. Australia isnt the place for me though im trying to convince my parents to send me to canada. Good Luck Making A Decision (its a hard one) xx
  • Australia is great. If you don't like the heat, you can live somewhere like Tasmania which is cooler. We, too, have healthcare for all residents. We also have great beaches for the summer, and snowfields for the winter.
  • You should also get blue prints for building an igloo if you want to move to Canada, depending where you want to live.

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