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  • The Plan B pill is a the only emergency contraceptive that is just one pill. It is a backup method of preventing pregnancy and is available over the counter.

    Over the counter

    Anyone over 17 years of age can obtain the Plan B pill without a prescription. A pharmacist will be able to assist you. If you're under 17 years of age, you will need a prescription.

    When to take it

    The Plan B pill should be taken less than 72 hours after having sex to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

    What prevents pregnancy?

    The Plan B pill contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which is also found in many other birth control pills. The Plan B pill contains a larger dose of the hormone than other birth control pills contain.

    Side effects

    Some women don't suffer from any side effects, but others may have a change in their monthly period, nausea, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and breast tenderness.

    Already pregnant?

    If you're already pregnant, the Plan B pill will not affect your pregnancy.

    FDA approved

    The FDA approved Plan B in July 1999. In August 2006, the FDA approved over-the-counter access for the Plan B pill.


    Plan B Pill



    More Information:

    Plan B Pill

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