• Kona coffee comes from Kona, Hawaii, where it is naturally grown under the shade of trees protecting the coffee plants from direct sunlight. Coffee with the "Kona" coffee designation must have been grown in the north or south districts of Kona. Most of the coffee in Kona is grown on family farms of two to 10 acres. Kona coffee is considered a premium coffee offering benefits of providing energy, increasing stamina, preventing asthma and helping with weight loss and jet lag.

    Increased Energy

    The natural caffeine content in Kona coffee offers a "jump start" to the body's energy levels by stimulating the central nervous system.

    Increased Stamina

    Kona coffee may improve physical stamina because of the natural caffeine content in the drink.

    Preventing Asthma

    Kona coffee can help prevent asthma, since caffeine opens up the bronchial tubes in the lungs.

    Weight Loss

    Kona coffee may have the benefit of helping with weight loss, as it boosts your metabolism to burn more calories per hour.

    Overcome Jet Lag

    Kona coffee can help your body adjust to a new time zone after traveling long distances. For example, you can drink Kona coffee in the morning at your new destination to stay awake.

    Brain Stimulant

    The caffeine in Kona coffee helps your brain be more alert and function faster.


    Kona Coffee Farmers Association: About Kona Coffee

    Keopu: Kona Coffee The Herb

    Aloha Kona Coffee: Coffee and Health Benefits

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