• No movie has literally "changed my life", but I DO like to watch my old time fav Gone With The Wind. Scarlett had guts!
  • Wizard of Oz - It reminds me that the answers are as close as your own backyard - and that friends stick by no matter what - Tin man/Cowardly lion/Scarecrow and Dorthy and they came from all walks of life
  • For changing outlook I have a few. Joe vs. the Volcano : for renewed faith in life Millions :for renewed faith in faith Stardust : for renewed faith in love I don't know why.. they're not even particularly serious works, I watch a lot of very "deep" "serious" "life-changing" cinema or whatever, but those three really do it for me
  • Pursuit of Happiness happiness is only something you can pursuit...its the truest words i ever heard
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas really inspired me to listen to musicals.I'm now in a musical society!
  • Yes, The Wizard of Oz. I watched the whole film before school everyday for about three years...
  • I don't know that it changed my life, but it certainly changed the way I look at race relations in this country (USA). The movie was "Crash" with Sandra Bullock and Terrence Howard. It is an awe-inspiring film that will give you more to think about than you can absorb in one viewing.
  • Yes, actually. There are a few. Rarely does a movie literally change my life, but it has definitely happened: "Amelie" - Taught me to appreciate simple pleasures and never take anything in life for granted. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" - Taught me that no matter how a relationship ends, nobody can ever take away my happy memories, and that I should be thankful for what I had instead of lamenting the fact that it's gone. "The Fountain" - Completely changed my perspective on death, to the point where I believe I can actually embrace the concept of death as an inseparable and necessary part of life.
  • "I Will Fight No More Forever"

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