• A comprehensive auto insurance policy is a form of property damage insurance. A comprehensive auto insurance policy only covers the automobile the policy is written for, along with personal property that is inside the vehicle.

    Damage Not Related to Collision

    Comprehensive auto insurance covers damage that occurs by some means other than an automobile collision.

    Weather-Related Damage

    If an automobile is damaged as the result of a storm or flood, comprehensive auto insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing the vehicle.

    Theft or Burglary

    If an automobile is broken into, and items are stolen from the vehicle, comprehensive auto insurance covers the cost of repairing any damage to the vehicle, as well as replacing the items that were stolen.

    Other Types of Damage

    Comprehensive auto insurance also covers damage caused by fire, animals or objects. For example, if a rock cracks or shatters a windshield, comprehensive auto insurance will pay to repair or replace the windshield.

    Sometimes Required

    If an automobile is financed by a bank, credit union or other financial institution, the lender might require the borrower to buy a comprehensive auto insurance policy. This is required to protect the financial interest of the lender.

    Source: Insurance Coverage Definitions

    Insure U-Understanding your Auto Insurance Policy


    Insure U-National Association of Insurance Commissioners

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