• Many older homes have wood paneling. Paneling can make a room look outdated, but paint is an inexpensive way to achieve an updated look.


    Two types of paints are required to paint paneling: a high-quality primer and a latex paint in the color of your choice.


    Primer is a base coating that helps paint adhere to surfaces and extends the life of the paint. Oil-based primers are the best choice for paneling because they seal porous surfaces.

    Latex Paint

    Latex paint is the layer applied after the primer has dried. Latex paint comes in several finishes: flat, satin, semi-gloss and gloss. Flat or satin are good choices for paneling because they are less likely to show imperfections.

    Key to Success

    Preparation is key to painting wood paneling, according to 30-year building repair veteran Sammy Hopkins. Paneling be clean and lightly sanded before painting. For best results, he also recommends a light sanding between paint coats.


    Wood paneling is not appropriate for moisture-rich environments such as bathrooms, laundry rooms or kitchens. In these areas, remove the paneling or paint with moisture- and mold-resistant products.


    Sammy Hopkins, building contractor; Hopkins Construction; Atlanta, Georgia

    Joe, Kilz service technician; Masterchem Industries, Inc.; Imperial, Missouri


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