• Generally it depends on what type of work you do and how many people you supervise. It also depends on the state you live in.
  • There are three categories of classifications. Hourly, Salary Non-Exempt, and Salary Exempt. Hourly is like it says. You get a straight hourly wage and OT after a certain period, depending on your state of residence. Salary Non-Exempt is just a glorified hourly position. You get a salary and you also get paid OT if you work it. Also, if you don't work a full work week, you can be docked. Salary Exempt is strictly salary-based with no OT pay. You have to fit a certain criteria in order to be classified as Exempt (Exempt = exempt from OT laws). It differs in each state but there is a federal guideline that is pretty cut and dry and gives you a general idea. Your employer cannot classify you Exempt in order to not pay you overtime. Only you know your title and that title and the responsiblities that go along with it should be standard and proveable. What is your job title and duties? I'll try to decipher whether you should be one or the other.

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