• I suggest adding scenes from Death Race and both Kill Bill volumes.
  • my list so far... 1. Hancock: Hancock shoves one prison punks head UP another prison punks tail, literally! 2. Vampire in brooklyn: max says being shoot in the chest "kind of itches a little" then with vampire speed rips a guy's heart out and shows it to him. 3. Live Free or Die Hard: John McClane shoots the bad guy holding him from behind, through his own shoulder. 4. V for Vendetta: V confronts his enemies one last time and after they empty their guns into him, he gets up "my turn" and wipes them out with his "knives and karate tricks" 5. Volcano: Stan Olber, with lava between himself and the guy he's carrying and saftey, he jumps feet first into the lava and throws the train driver clear before burning up himself. 6. G. I. Joe: snake-eyes get on the bad guys suv and no matter what they throw at him (including other vehicles) he won't get of until he jumps off seconds before the suv catches the train the hard way! 7. Gauntlet: Ben Shockley (Clint Eastwood) drives an armored bus through Phoenix, Arizona to deliver a witness to her court date, right through an army of dirty cops shooting at them every inch of the way. 8. Return of the jedi: deep fried with force lightning, Darth Vader still picks up the emporer and takes out the trash 9. Pitch Black: with his wrists handcuffed behind him to a post, Riddick brings his arms up and over his head in a move thats painfull just to watch. 10. Kill Bill V 2: the bride punches through a thick wood plank with almost no room to move and escapes being buried alive. 11. the princess bride: Inigo Montoya, stabed repetedly he still keeps getting up and defeats his father's murderer 12. Lord of the Rings: Boromir's last stand against the Uruk-hai even full of arrows he fought on. 13. the 13th Warrior: the viking prayer scene where the remaining warriors stand against the attacking horde "this far and no further!" 14. Serenity: with the berserker reavers just outside, River tam leaps through the hole in the wall and faces them alone (and massacre's them!) 15. the Last Dragon: "bruce" leroy green, catches bullet with his teeth! 16. streetfighter 2 the animated movie: chun li vs. vega she literally kicks him through a brick walk to fall to his death 17. The Alamo: Davy Crockett, on his knees, with his hands tied behind his back, offers to accept santa anna and the mexican armies surrender. 18. Fist of the North Star: Kenshirô (Gary Daniels)uses his special fighting technique to make a bad guys head explode with a series of taps and touches. 19. shaolin soccer: the scene where this woman parallel parks by kung fu striking her car into the tiny parking space. 20. quigley down under: bad guy forces the american rifle expert matthew quigley to have an old west style gun fight with him, quigley out draws him easily, shooting him and his two henchmen then says about the colt revolver to the dying bad guy "I said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn't know how to use it." 21. underworld: selene steps of the ledge of a tall building as if she was stepping of the curb 22. Indiana jones and the temple of doom: with thuggies at both ends of a rope bridge over crocodile infested river, indy and friends hold on tight while he CUTS THE BRIDGE! 23. Blade: after frost becomes the blood god, blade pumps him full of anticoagulant and blows him up 24.romeo must die: even with his hands burned, "Romeo" beats down the bad guy and shatters his spine with a super kung fu blow to the head. 25. shoot'em up: Clive Owens satisfies Monica Bellucci and holds off the gunmen storming the apartment to kill the baby at the same time 25-b. Clive owens kills badguy with a carrot.
  • Yes, the scene where Coraline kicks Other Mother right in the face just before going through the tunnel and escaping forever.
  • Pulp Fiction. The Scene with Bruce Willis and the gimp. Looking for Mr. Goodbar when Richard Gere kills Dianne Keaton Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal eats the cops face off The Ring when she crawls through the TV at the end. Psycho shower scene Troy when Achilles kills Hector Apocalpyto when the Aztecs cut out the victims hearts and eat them Brave Heart when they pull William Wallace apart Kung Fu Hustle when the Masters kick ass at the end
  • This one.....;-D.... . .
  • The original "Kiss of Death" [ 1947 ] PLOT SPOILER!! ~ when, in his film debut, Richard Widmark , portraying a gangster with a nervous giggle, pushes an elderly lady confined in a wheelchair down a staircase to her death -- and he giggles the entire time. +5

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