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  • Drinking urine is OK as long as you don't drink very much of it. Urine actually has a lot less bacteria in it than saliva. If you drink a lot of urine though, it can shut down your kidneys... and that's very bad. Sorry my info is very vague, but that's all I know. -Sam
  • oh yes...try peanut m and m,s they are great and you can have loads of fun with them and ice cream is good if she can stand the cold! oh yes and drink away!
  • Its not the taste or nutritional value.. its the intimacy and the eroticism. I had this fantasy for a long time and recently, I tried it out with my girlfriend. Poor girl, conditioned as she was, she could not relax enough and nothing dribbled out, as she sat on my face, her vagina over my mouth as I greedily glued the lips of my mouth on the lips of her vagina and waited. After few attempts, however, she managed a small stream, which hit my throat directly. I almost gagged, due to the strong smell, and extreme saltiness.. but swallowed her pee. More hits and tries over a period of time, on an illicit weekend, made her pee naturally in my open mouth, in small amounts. The hot liquid entering my mouth, coupled with her vaginal odors, her pubic hair brushing on my face.. were just awesome. I had requested her to drink lots of water. So the smell lessened as well as the saltiness. I still have not got around to swallowing large amounts. But it is indeed an erotic exercise. Lets hope we go further in our next rendezvous :-)
  • sounds tasty, worth a try once
  • I don't know if you are a guy or girl, but I'm going to assume girl... Sorry if I'm wrong. Fruits are better than vegitables, not only in taste, but it's safer for the vagina... I heard somewhere that the sweetness of the fruit actually makes the vagina taste sweeter (though, only when using it, not without it)... Bananas are good, though, peel them first. The tips of the banana contain rough surfaces which can cause pain and possible harm, not to mention the peel is weak, and it can open a bit inside the vagina and pinch you... That would be very painful, but if you insist on using it with the peel, cut the stem and brown tip of the peel of the banana with some scissors, but be warned that the peel is weak, and a piece could very well come off in your vagina, not that you can't get it out though... As for the pinching, don't pull the banana out if the peel pinches you because that will cause massive pain. Stick your finger in your vagina close to where you are pinched. You should be able to stick your finger in the opening of the peel that is pinching you snd free your vaginal tissue. Bananas and strawberries, as well as grapes (the purple are the sweetest) and cherries should sweeten things up and could turn you and your partner on... Vegitables on the other hand.... Things such as cucumbers, squash and such can be painful on insertion. I've heard of potatoes being used, but think; potatoes (unpeeled) feel like sandpaper... That can't be good for your vagina. Peeled potatoes can be dangerous for the same reasons as carrots. Carrots are dangerous because you have to peel them, and both carrots and potatoes can have sharp chunks on them that you may not notice, but can cut or damage your vagina. Stick with vegitables. I hope this helps. :D
  • u can put as many m an m's in your vagina but leave out grapes and strawberries they dont deserve that. an drink as much urine as possible but learn to put it in a cup first.
  • Yes they tatse good but the sugar can cause a yeast infection but still not a big deal, just make sure to wash after and maybe apply some yeast cream the next day. Urine is steril, but it has harmful amounts of things in it that your body didnt want, but you could still drink a fair amount with no problems, like whatever she could produce durring a sex. Also, and orgasm isnt always urine, it is actually female ejaculate, but still contains urine, but durring orgasme she may lose bladder control.
  • putting anything in a vagina can cause a yeast infection, especially FOOD!! yes, it is ok to drink pee
  • yuck.. your discusting.

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