• Sometimes.
  • invent one .... everyone else does ;-)
  • There's a bit of strangeness here. How can anybody wish to be something they believe doesn't exist.
  • I wish there was one. It's a nice idea. Unfortunately, I can't seem to believe that it's anything but too good to be true. :(
  • funny, I am a religious who wishes there was none... nothing would bring greater peace than to know there was an end to existence.
  • I unfortunately cannot be an atheist due to my paranormal experiences. I envy atheists with a passion and wish there didn't have to be a God. Unfortunately, there is.
  • You're not alone, at all. There are definitely others who have told me, "I don't believe there is a Gawd, but I wish there was." Take a look at the responses to this question that I asked, awhile ago: +5
  • It depends. I wish there was a loving, caring god, however, most of the gods I hear about seem to be violent bullies. I'd like to find some evidence that there is a lovely kind god out there who loves us, but I just can't see anything pointing toward that conclusion.
  • Not really, I'm pretty good without one.
  • No, but I know a few Christians who wish there wasn't one.
  • Sometimes sortof. But with my luck it'd be the God of the Tanakh.
  • Actually no - I'm glad their isn't a god.....I prefer my universe "magic free".
  • “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you". James 4:7, 8
  • I would guess there are some like you in that regard as many believeres and non are looking, hoping - that there is something more than they know. As to being unique in any regard to huiman thought there are others that are the same but in the totality of who you are - you be one of a kind. +5
  • Yes, like a real god that could give reason for his existence- not just something imaginary. Even then, somehow I cannot fathom the existence of a real god; it is just impossible to consider.
  • I can't say that I wish there was a (G)god, but if there is one, I hope it isn't the God of the OT. He was a prick!
  • Boy, do I have good news for you...
  • If said God would end world hungry, create world peace and stop mans inhumanity to man then yes it would be nice to have a God, I don't wish for it however.
  • Don't be a moron. +5 : )
  • That depends on the god. A lot of gods seem kind of unpleasant to me (a major contributor to my atheism was my growing conviction that if god did exist, he probably didn't deserve to) and not like the kinds of people we want running everything.
  • It would be great to have a supernatural being who had your interests at heart, and who looked after you all your life. Not so good to have a being that demanded your worship, and put various silly restrictions on your life.
  • Only if he could smite those who believed in him!
  • If you are looking for God, study astrology. Astrology proves God. When you get to progressions and transits you will find that everything happens exactly on the beat. Hence, there must be a God. God does not play dice. Einstein
  • Well, 5349U11, have you ever seriously looked for Him? I mean, really? What do you want to be shown? Do you want a bolt from the sky and big words written across the horizon, "I AM GOD!" (?) Hell, Hollywood could do that! He is never going to give a big Hollywood extravaganza. He just doesn't operate that way. And how much would you respect such a display? And what would such a display tell you, anyway? You would know nothing more about God than before! Read and study, my friend. God gave you that ability. Use it! If you are one of those that cannot perceive God in your own existence, then you must read and study. I don't know how much you have. Even most believers don't study enough. Oh, wow, do I ever know that! I get so exasperated with my fellow believers at times I have to beg God for patience. > And your question begs another one,..If you "wish" there were a God, then you must be looking for Him, right? So, keep looking. I can assure you, He is also looking for you. And I have it on good record...that is a winning combination. (smile) Best wishes.
  • No thanks, I dislike capricious malevolent bullies.
  • What? What do you mean?
  • A jealous, wrathful, petty, and incredibly vengeful and violent character like in the Bible who's got the balls to slaughter innocent children by the thousands every single day, create diseases so horrible Hitler wouldn't have thought of them and call it LOVE??? Good lord NO! +5
  • The good news is that there is a God and He loves you very much and has an awesome plan for your life! And when you start feeling longings like this one, that means He is starting to work within your life. God Bless You.
  • Why would you wish for there to be a god? What would be the point? (so I`ve asked a question back...and some dick head has rated me down for it? Mega dick head or what!)
  • Well in some ways, maybe even many ways, things might be better if a god existed..I guess it would depend on which god(s) we're talking about here. But no I don't really sit around wishing a god existed, I spend more time hoping that if by chance a god does exist that it's not anything like the gods humans worship.
  • You want to be a Born-again Atheist? Let me guess, your cousin is a black Jew. I am just teasing you. I know god exist and I am comforted by that fact. I hope you find what you are looking for.
  • Don't care about the god thing. An afterlife would be cool. Personally, I'd rather be immortal by not dying...
  • No, I don't wish there was a God. I'm not saying I've never entertained the idea though which I most certainly have, but after much self deliberation I do not wish there was a God.
  • that doesn't make sense
  • Being like a god: that's an excellent idea
  • LOL, Too funny!
  • Many I should think. The problem is that God has been misrep[resented by man. I am atheist to the god's that are most often presented. But I do believe there is One God only that is parodied all around the globe but rarely presented accurately.
  • I had responded with a most likely that such a person is not that unique and there are others out there with the same thought process and was DR. Would like to change that to the correct answer of no, no there is not or yes there is one in McCook Nebrasks whichever looks the most proper and thankyou for catching that.

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