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  • If you're unhappy with your penis size, just deactivate the spam filter on your email for a minute. You'll receive dozens of helpful emails telling you just how to fix that problem. If you'd like your breasts to get a bit larger, advice is not as easy to come by. Of course, you could always go in for enlargement surgery, but many women consider that a little extreme. Fortunately, there are ways to achieve results without resorting to the operating table.


    Exercises that build up the pectoral muscles (the large muscles of the chest) will help firm up your breasts and hold them higher, thus making them protrude further and seem larger. Examples of exercises that work your pecs include bench press, pushups and butterflies. There are also a number of yoga poses that exercise the same muscles. If you practice yoga, ask your instructor for a list of the poses from your discipline that build those muscles. You don't have to tell her why, but if you do she might be able to point out the best poses for the job.


    Foods with a high estrogen content can help enlarge your breasts because estrogen is primarily responsible for the curves in a woman's body. Similarly, foods high in bromine and manganese will stimulate production of female sex hormones, which can also increase your breast size. High estrogen foods include soy and dairy. High bromine foods include fruits and nuts. You can get extra manganese by eating corn, seafood (especially shellfish) and whole grains. Note that some of these foods are already recommended for a healthful diet, but others are only OK in smaller amounts. Also, some foods (especially seafood) are a no-no while pregnant. Of course, if you're pregnant, you've already successfully solved your breast enlargement problem.


    There is a host of garments and undergarments available to help make your breasts appear larger to anyone who's checking you out. Wonderbras, corsets and brassiere pads are just a few of these. Also, any time you retain water, all your curves will get more ... curvy. This includes your breasts. More sodium in your diet will help you retain water, although high-sodium diets are not advisable in the long run. Finally, simple posture can help accentuate what you've already got going on. Some styles of high heels cant the bust forward, or you can just remember to do it on your own.


    Breast Enlargement Exercises

    Breast Enlargement Nutrition

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