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  • I never believed in the whole playing hard to get. If a girl wants to be with you and you don't make a move normally they will show interest or have a friend ask about you. If the "hard to get" has been going on longer then 2 weeks then nothing is probably going on except she thinks of you as friend quality only. I've seen so many guys make this mistake.
  • If she's "playing," forget about her and move on to someone else. Do you want a WOMAN, or some "immature little girl" who doesn't know the score? That's why I love the "40+" woman: She doesn't play games, and has no time for guys who do. +5
  • ask again. if she refuses back off. if she doesn't do anything for a few weeks move on. it means she does not like you enough to say yes.
  • I don't do games. she plays hard to get I don't want her.
  • Play right back. If she goes after you, keep playing. Don't give in.
  • No matter what age we are, we play games...even if we don't mean to. It's almost instinctive to play hard to get because girls are taught to not be too eager. A good way to get some honesty from her is to back off and let her come to you. If you pursue her she will disappear faster than you can blink. Girls always say they want a "sensitive" man and at the same time they demand their space. What man can figure that out?! Give her space, that's so not what she wants but it's what she needs. She will call or text you and you won't respond until she's pissed at you. Then you say, "i've been real busy, do you want to get together?" This puts her insecurities to rest and realizes that she can't jack you around. Trust me, if you dig this chick then follow sound advice. Game On!
  • If you asked her out first time and she said no, she isn't playing hard to get, she isn't interested.
  • That's not playing hard-to-get. That's simply not being interested. I've been accused of playing hard-to-get, too, but the guy just wouldn't take "No!" for an answer. I wasn't interested in him at all and had no intention of ever dating him. Maybe this girl you're chasing is the same way. Just back off and leave her alone.

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