I got me one of these bad boys;)
a full size pillory my son made for a school project and left behind.
a book of everything i did for the past 2 years day by day, has the times to.
I doubt if much would surprise anybody on AB about my home, not even the "Whoopie Cushion" I put under the sofa cushion when guests come over. (lol)
It wouldn't surprise any of my friends. I have unicorns all over the house...small statues, pictures, stuffed toys, books about them. I wear a small gold unicorn on a chain around my neck! :)
i have windchimes hanging on both sides of the front door, a little too close. That way i always know when someone is there.
My home is a total bachlor pad when you walk in everything is dark and just to screw with visitors I decorated the entire bathroom in rubber duckies...people usually don't know what to think
Michael Jackson's remains
Probably the Barbie dolls in a cabinet. +5
Talking South Park plush dolls.
I have a neon pink slinky.
A Nature's Melody Amazing Grace wind chime that hangs on the porch.
My entire house is basically just a gigantic cupboard of curiosities.
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