A casino and prostitutes. Always a draw!
Linda Joy
I'm sure the prostitutes would be there anyway! lol. -
Archie Bunker
People have needs! -
Linda Joy
That's not a need its a want. Air, blood, water, food. Those are needs. -
Archie Bunker
For some people, those are needs. And the need to procreate is a natural thing, dear. -
Linda Joy
Who do you know that doesn't need the things I listed? What kind of people are they? The desire to procreate is natural. But its not a need. I actually know a couple of people who have gone their entire lives without it. Unlike you saying "For some people, those are needs" But prostitutes will be there because men think they need them. Men are suckers like that. -
Archie Bunker
Some men do need them. Some don't. Some women have those needs also. Some don't. Who are you to say otherwise? -
Linda Joy
I think we both said it. You said "For some people, those are needs." and I said some people don't need to procreate. And it is proven by precedence that it is not necessary. I'm still waiting for you to tell me who doesn't need air, blood, water and food. -
Linda Joy
And one doesn't have to use a prostitute to relieve themselves. Its simply ONE option.
A gravity spa to workout, socialize, freshen up, and a Mars weather report.
Linda Joy
Mars weather report: cold to incredibly cold! lol -
Guess I'll leave my swim suit at home then : ) -
Linda Joy
Why not just ask for a heated pool instead? -
Just ordered it. Delivery may take a while though : ) -
Linda Joy
Can I play in your pool if I promise not to pee in it?
a one way ticket there
Let's consider the ENORMOUS expense of putting such a thing in space. We're also talking about such stations ***maintaining their useful location on a regular travel route between Mars and Earth***. So: very, Very, VERY expensive to put such a station in useful orbit around the Sun (geocentrically speaking, of course). Used only a few weeks out of every 18 months. My guess is that any such station is going to be VERY utilitarian...and is going to be set up by the transport company or government that is running service. Until and unless we have luxury vacations to Mars (a vacation of necessity lasting several MONTHS), I expect such a station would have VERY few amenities, indeed. Attractions? No. Any organization providing service to Mars is going to build their own waystation for their own use, OR they are going to make a joint effort with other organizations, and in either case the waystation is NOT going to be an attraction. The HUGE expense and very infrequent usage financially demands a relatively spartan waystation. SO: most likely we're talking about something most similar to ***carriage stations in the Old West*** which were set up primarily to service ***the carriage*** (by providing fresh horses, fodder, water and drivers - i.e. equivalent to a modern stopover at an airport during a long trip), and only THE MOST MINIMAL of amenities for the passengers, who ***already have beds and food aboard the ship*** (and remember: exorbitantly expensive to provide such things at the waystation). Possibly a selection of food different from what's available onboard ship will be available...but don't expect a restaurant. Possibly there would be room for travelers to rest and "stretch their legs" there is in a train station or airport. I.e. chairs or benches in a communal room. BUT...some sort of "stretch your legs" facilities being a necessity aboard ship, I doubt that the waystation will include any such thing except for the private use of the waystation staff. SO: no sleeping quarters (except for the waystation staff). No scientific research (too out-of-the-way, too difficult and expensive to reach, compared to Earth orbit, which provides the very same research opportunities). Likely no exercise facilities (again: except for that which is necessary for private use of the waystation staff). Possibly there would be a sort of diner-style "we can make you a meal from stuff that we have in our supplies" set-up...but more like a taco-stand than a restaurant. Remember: the staff of the waystation are also in a spaceship - for three or four weeks every 18 months - and they're not likely to have a lot more in the way of amenities during those very few weeks than the travelers aboard ship.
Linda Joy
Thank you for the reality check. You are correct on all counts, sir. Now would you like to choose to answer the question asked? What do you WANT on your waystation to Mars? However outlandish?
A huge high end mall with spas, gambling, drinking, shopping. like the Mall of America of Las Vegas. and a hospital. LOL!
Linda Joy
How does the one in Las Vegas differ from the one in Springfield, MO.?
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