• I'm thinking about buying a burr coffee grinder for espresso. I think it'll taste better, but before I buy this grinder -- I wanted to seek out opinions. I grind my beans in the grocery store to a "turkish" grind, which is the finest (a little finer than espresso). BUT, since I also refrigerate the coffee & use it up pretty quickly -- i.e. 3 weeks, so I'm not sure if home grinding at the time of coffee making will improve the taste. My current thinking is that if you refrigerate the coffee & use it up quickly, than the grinder may not really be necessary. Also, if a person wants very finely ground coffee, than it's necessary to buy a more expensive "burr" type grinder to get the job done.
  • Yes. Based on many years of experience, I can tell you with certainty that the closer to brewing that the coffee is actually ground, the better it tastes. This is assuming that you're starting out with fresh beans. I use a burr grinder and grind only enough for the amount of brew I actually want.
  • I think so, yes. I also think the aroma of freshly ground coffee adds to the whole experience..after all the senses of taste and smell really compliment each other(most of the time!)
  • Yes I think it does.
  • I honestly can't tell the difference.
  • Oh yea!!
  • yes, it sure does....
  • Coffee is best when freshly ground because it begins to stale and lose flavor about 20 minutes after grinding.
  • YES! : D
  • Better than what? Coffee has a complex life... First. I'll dismiss instant coffee. You can go now we won't be needing you again. From the time it's harvested, Coffee has a useful life of about 2 years. It starts as the "green bean" - unroasted. In this form it keeps for 2 years. It's small, dense, and usually a bluish-green colour. Before it can be drunk, it has to be roasted. During roasting it doubles in size, turns brown, and develops the smell and taste that everybody recognizes as coffee. It then needs an hour or so to rest and you can grind it and brew it. This is coffee at its best. From the time of roasting, coffee loses its flavour and aroma, turns rancid and gets bitter. Ideally, coffee should be drunk within a week of roasting. After grinding, ideally the coffee should be brewed within a day, ideally immediately. Ground coffee loses flavour much more quickly than beans. No treatment really stops this flavour loss. All commercial coffee is old. Even so, beans is best, and ideally freshly-roasted beans
  • Then what and to who ? I don't drink the stuff at all so I'ld say not to me. You - would need to try it yourself to see what you think.

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