• Oh, it's because we're all bitches, actually. ...
  • Not all feminists hate men. Men can be feminists too!
  • Man haters become feminists. Feminists turns any women who get involved into man haters. Only a man hater would stay in feminism.
  • They don't - feminists think men and women are capable of being better. Feminists think that we can respect one another more, fix the problems of inequality and end the stupidly asinine "battle of the sexes". Feminists expect more - from men AND women. Anti-feminists think that men and women are fundamentally different - they think that men can't help themselves from raping or sexually harrassing, they think that men would crumble if women had an equal footing with them, they think men are stupid creatures who cannot and will not change. Feminists think that men are hurt by sexism too. That men have a sense of justice and can control their penis. Feminists believe in men. Many men ARE feminists. How could they possibly hate them?

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