• i have an '85 z28 does that qualify at 24 years old? it runs great, has under 100k on it, and i've fended off offers for it several times.
  • No, but I wish I had. I bought a 1990 Ford Ranger new, and drove it carefully for almost 150,000 miles. It was still in very good condition and dependable when I sold it. I only sold it because we'd just gotten married and both of us had 2 seater pickups with over 100,000 on them, so we sold them both and got a used car and a new pickup. I wish we'd kept my Ranger and gotten a new car, but it just wasn't an option financially. The truck ran another two years after I sold it, and only died because the new owner didn't notice when the oil pump went bad. It still was repairable, it just needed a new head, but she didn't have the money to do it and neither did I, even though she offered it back to me. I loved that truck. It was cute, comfortable and darned useful. We courted in it and took it on our honeymoon. I hated to see it go and I've missed it ever since.
  • I do not have any at the time,but even my old clunkers got fantastically good gas millage.I drove imports when they came out in the late 1960's .

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