• People believe all kinds of dumb things.
  • I know! It's just like all those silly people who believed the rumors of torture at Abu Ghraib! Oh wait.....
  • They say that there was explosions that went off on the side of the buildings, and that the building shouldn't have collapsed from top to bottom. They say it should have feel over. I don't believe it thought.
  • NO; it isn't DUMB at all ... If you ever seen the tapes about the way the explosion was ; you'd be a little concerned yourself ... Also; men in Black were there and blocked off the area just days before the explosion and wouldn't let anyone in ... for about two hours while they did WHATEVER in the towers ... Hmmmmmm Word is the ole george W. KNEW more than he let on ; just like when he LIED about the Weapons of Mass Destruction and then actually ADMITTED that he lied ... +5
  • There is far to many things that do not add up? Not just speculation there are scientific laws of physics that do not allow for the scenario that we are supposed to believe that happened.
  • Woooooooow... You're just itching for an argument, huh? Kindly provide your take on what happened to Tower 7, please. And bear in mind, no piece of either of the planes had touched it.
  • Adz Oh Jesus! Those were large buildings!!! They fell like dominos!
  • Yes it is dumb. Not because the administration didnt do some pretty questionable things to justify attacking Iraq, but because they did them so incompetently that it is quite inconcievable for them to have been able to pull off a big and complex 'inside job' like that without a single goof or leak.
  • I'm not getting involved.
  • It amazes me how much some Americans want to believe that the Government is some evil group that wants to destroy us. I'm going to put it in perspective for every one. Watergate and the Iran-Contra affair both of these Government scandals where discovered. How can anyone in there right mind believe something as complicated as 9/11 was a inside job. Anyone who still believes this garbage can read the fantastic article in Popular Mechanics.
  • People love conspiracies. Granted those who flew the planes into the towers were allowed by the Clinton administration to stay in the US and take flight training long after their Visa's expired but there is NO WAY that was a US government inside job. You can't even keep a blowjob in the oval office a secret in this country. there is NO WAY a secret as big as plotting and blowing up the world trade center and killing thousands of US citizens could be kept in the US considering the number of people who would have been involved. Not a chance!
  • wake the hell up.
  • you know, i really don't feel like getting into it right now so i'll just say, no, it's not stupid...
  • Look carefully on who fiananced, supported those who produced such a asinine theory about a inside job.
  • Do you really want me to answer this? I will. You know I will. It begins a long time before when the Bush's got in bed with the Bin Laddin's and their money and their oil. Then, Georgie Porgie was forced to deter the focus from the Bin Laddin family so that the money stayed put. I can give you dates and facts, but this is the main skinny on the whole atrocity. It was so dumb that most people couldn't believe it at first, but it is fact.
  • It's ridiculous. Thousands of Americans were killed on American soil. Not even Cheney/Bush would resort to that.
  • Some people are more ready to believe that we killed our own people than they are to believe that radical Islam is a violent, death-worshipping religion. The only explanation I have for this is that familiarity breeds contempt.
  • yes I agree it is dumb. our government has betrayed us to economic slavers, attacks on the towers and 3 days of no air traffic cost those executives money. not to mention they could not keep lieing to themselves about being in the service of americans if they were to participate in killing us and that delusion is necessary for their mental health. but the way this question is worded is inflamatory, and frankly not in the least bit productive.... if you want to tell them they are stupid go find one of their threads and comment there.
  • Governments/kings/armies and others have engaged in false flag attacks throughout human history. It is absolutely possible that 9/11 was an inside job at the worst or one that the government new about and failed to prevent in order to justify it's agenda. To assert that because thousands of Americans died the administration couldn't have done it is ridiculous. Many thousands have died since in a war based on false information, lies and fear mongering. Their deaths were no deterrent to the Bush/Cheney administration. Why do you think the people in the twin towers were valued by the administration when so many others American and non-American so clearly were not. What's really sickening is that so many Americans still assert that Iraq was behind the attack or that there were WMD there when even Bush/Cheney have now admitted they were not. Smarten up people. It is possible. If you repeat a lie often enough people believe it. When that lie gives people an easy scape goat, a boogie man, to vent their fears (fears cultivated by the lairs)on it is even easier to cling to and believe. I am pretty damned sure of one thing. We will never know the truth.
  • People enjoy being on the "inside track" and knowing thing others don't know. That, and some people require simple answers to complex problems. Combine the two and you have a conspiracy theorist.
  • How can it be dumb? People in high positions of the current presidential administration believe that. They only throw out the ones who are public about it.
  • Not dumb at all. But it is rather strange that the folks who could carry out 9/11,couldn't carry out a proper capture of it's instigator: Bin Laden.
  • Cause conspiracy theories are more interesting than answers

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